Crc diamonds hot jar tek

THIS IS A JAR. Damn I know this is a forum but not many of y’all read into context

an untested design with no results.


what’s so special about yours? you put an adjustable pressure relief valve on it? My miner can be used as is or you can house a perfectly fit borosilicate glass jar inside if you wanna run glass. My point on this topic is you can’t fit many mines in an oven and they don’t produce a better product just cause they don’t leak. my jars don’t leak either. I can fit 5 miners in a 1.9 oven and 48 jars


Probably just jar with cap that has release/pressure valve


It is similar to @BG305 post he has in the otss thread yes but tried & true his design is. Mines the upgrade.
Why worry about venting or your lid not releasing properly :man_shrugging:t3: Also I searched that entire thread to find his

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nobody is saying your shit doesn’t work, you’re just coming off in a way that sounds like you have the next biggest thing yet aren’t showing the results of it to back up your claims.

To be completely honest I wouldn’t bother patenting it since jars and miners are proven to work just fine


Yes they’re proven to work fine. But wouldn’t you patent a mod you designed to add to the jar? I would, cause that’s money for proper control over growth.

Heres my diamond I only have the 1 growing but u suppose I shouldn’t complain eh?


& yes I can understand I may sound standoffish with this but I haven’t yet patented it again so yes I can’t show a result from it as I don’t want to release anything without it being patented, but again with an affidavit & noncompete I will. I’m completely transparent about it after that.

This is just terps getting jar tek. I know how you feel lol

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is that a joke? yeah i’d save your patent money if that’s what your going after. I’ve had a lot of great ideas in theory that don’t end up working out irl. but i know what works best and what doesn’t and why. and the fact that you have no results to show for it doesn’t back up much


I know jar tek & ive played with flow rate cold or warm, I prefer to crash due to the growth control.

I’ll get a result to your inbox within the week don’t sweat.:ok_hand:t3:

dude not trying to be a dick but your results are laughable. all that is is sugar. i’d get your extractions down better before you try and reinvent the wheel


i won’t hold my breath


Those were all from small batch warm jar tek. Not from my cold crash. Yeah may be laughable due to the size but as you said many different way to make product. My design is a upgrade from a proven to work jar mod. If you can’t look past that simple lid that will eventually fail you, than I’m sorry you’re not willing to be innovative. Yes you may be the “king of diamonds” here but your Insight doesn’t disprove nor discourage. You may think the designs a joke but I’m sure you’ll be trying to figure out why @BG305 added a valve. Especially cause you wanted to talk about saturation.

Just cause I don’t have picture proof doesn’t mean I haven’t tested & documented my research. :ok_hand:t3:

Damn! Give this guy an award! Thanks for sharing!


best of luck with your endeavors :v: