Totally right, my bad…
So you had around 2250kw of cooling at 0c?
Where did you get your condensers from?
Maybe I should just get a hold of @Soxhlet to get some made and have him work on a distributution plate and lid as well… But first to finalize my design
@The_Lone_Stiller I am building one for sure.
And will definitely give details and pictures along the way. My goal is around 4lbs a minute
On Monday I will dm you some stuff as far as nozzle design and what we are doing for our current project.
Me too pls @Soxhlet?!!
Thank you for answering questions! I am not sure if, when pulling from the evap top, the updraft created will help or hinder heat transfer and evap rates. One train of thought is that it might help create a more turbulent condition, which could help. It also might slow down the film velocity, make the film thinner or thicker???, increasing available heat transfer time, allowing lower temperature jacket temps. Lengthening the evap might not be practical, but would have a similar effect, also similar to previously discussed preheating. What is an ideal evap temperature to retain all terps? I think the tubes inner diameter would play a big role here… so id be interested in your testing results. What tube diameters are in the tube in shell?
I think, since you are pressurized, that your evap beats your condenser. You can test this by lowering evap shell temps and tracking recovery speeds.
Great setup dude. I admire how super simple it is. I was overcomplicating my design which has inhibited my ability to get it accomplished thus far.
With faster condensing means higher velocity and possible fluid coming with. Something to look out for as you optimize.
Also, what is your condenser setup? An identical tube in shell?
Whats the function of the trs21? Still running active?
That’s what his original plan was, are these the design you went with @Intergalactic
Yup 2250w of at 0c, these are the condensers I used Baffled Tri-Clamp Condenser
Post of your design when you get it on paper!
Me 4 @Soxhlet
I like your thinking on this, it would create more turbulence on the evap but also might heat the solvent going through it, but with the down side It could re condense. On something like ethanol this could be an issues due to higher boiling points but on butane which has such a low bp I think it could help.
Tube OD is 3/8ths
It’s logical to think my condenser is hindering the efficiency but my evaporator was the main culprit, I just did not have enough surface area to transmit more heat through. But I could not lower evap temps because the pressure and flow that was needed of the nozzle to get even distribution to all the tube in the evaporator would over come the ability to evap at those temps, kinda tricky right.
Ideal temp would be 70F ish but then again there’s the theory that it’s not actually heating the extract dissolved in the solvent until the solvent is nearly fully evaporated.
The condenser is identical
The purpose of the trs-21’s is to pump the condensed solvent out of the system and back to the recovery tank
But I’m no thermodynamic wizard I’m just a guy with a 5/8ths socket and sometimes sometime on my hands
Yup those are the ones
Thanks for the kind words @Dred_pirate @dabtb
I am thinking of making a smaller unit with 1.5in condensers chilled with ice water, to further the research I’ll fill you guys in if it happens
I’m drawing up a few ideas tonight, but waiting like a kid on Xmas morning to get soxhlet’s dm tomorrow . Will probably brainstorm some more and get to making in in a week or two super excited and very thankful for all the information you’ve provided! I will definitely share my build and design
Awesome sauce! I really like the idea of pulling the vapors from the top not bottom FYI, would also make it alottt smaller of a unit, food for thought
the co flow of vapor + product thins for better evaporation and pushes it down into the collection
I wonder how much of a benefit it really is, if it’s more of a benefit then the reduction in size pulling from the top would give
Your oil would clog your shotgun condenser. Pull from the bottom, vapors go out, then up.
They have thermodynamic equations for ffe and wipers. Just plug in your variables.
I’ll be attempting to do just that in s couple hours
Opensource me a robot that cleans my house without talking shit to me.
The robot, or me while I open source it?
Vital questions