Cost break down per gummy to manufacture

Hey all has anyone here who is in the gummy manufacturing business have a cost per down cost per gummy (i.e the material and labor cost to make a gummy in various sizes) any info would be greatly appreciated.


I’m at 13 cents per 25mg gummy. 6¢ for distillate, 7¢ for ingredients and packaging.

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What kind of packaging? Mylar?

Mylar bags holding 10 each. Cost of bags and the sticker that goes on them is part of the 6¢ materials cost


Gotta factor in R&D failed batches, labor, equipment, cleanup time, definitely varies a bit op to op.

I started off just getting them made, to get the orders coming in, then took over production at my own pace.

Turned out lots better when I made them, so now I am making them for a handful of other brands.

Just don’t forget to factor in all those failed batches in the beginning. Don’t waste cannabinoids in the first batches, just make candy.


0.032 each in labor. 3 people making $20/hr with the government taxes added.
The most expensive cannabinoids we use cost 0.0007777778/mg.
Do you buy your ingredients at the grocerie store, from a distributor or do you get truck loads at a time from the manufacturer?
Loaded question.


Im under 1 cent per gummy without the cannabinoids with labor, ingredients and overhead, and most my gummies have 1 cent worth of cannabinoids in them

When my mogul comes in ill be closer to 1/5 of a cent per gummy without the cannabinoids

This will vary greatly though per person based on ingredients, location, production method, overhead etc

I will say ive gotten to the point where im going to start importing ingredients since im getting to that large of scale (the above prices are buying everything in the US)

Its crazy how much you can save when you start ordering metric tons of things


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Thank you all for the feed back, I’m planning to make some mushroom gummies with mushroom extract but trying to fixture out what the cost is per gummy. :pray::pray::pray:

I can chime in a little bit I did gummies for few years. One thing someone said to me with packaging is that it costs 10 cents a touch. Might not be entirely accurate with the 10 cents amount but the idea is there. The more you or employees have to touch things during your process the more expensive it is

With that being said. Buying blank bags and putting stickers on them is pretty damn expensive

15 cents for the bag, 15 cents for the sticker and 10 cents for the labor of putting a sticker on if a 20$/hr employee can do 200 bags per hour. 40 cents total for the bags.

A custom Mylar bag should be about 10 cents delivered depending on quantity and quality

Custom Mylar bags MOQ are usually 10-20k and both of those amounts are around the same price.
For shipping I’d avoid dhl or anything express (4-10 day) because of price. A happy medium is ups air. 14-21 days. If you want cheaper shipping there is 30 day boat and 45 day boat. Ask for total package weight and quotes on all of them

I mention shipping because it’s a large chunk of the cost of your packaging. Also Make sure the package is declared under 600$ value to avoid import taxes.

This is the Chinese company I used for my bags.

Edit: 80-120 micron is a good thickness range for the bags. 150 is a bit too thick

Another tip is if you put a QR code on the bag make sure it is a dynamic code meaning you can change where it goes in the future when scanned if you need to. That way all your packaging will update when/if you need to update


what size gummy does this price reflect? 3g / 5g ? @Kingofthekush420

2.5ml which is a 3.1 gram gummy. My 3.5ml is a little more but not by much


Lets discuss individual ingredients, what are you all paying for gelatin, sugar, cornsyrup, or your pectin, flavoring, citric acid, ect. Gelatin has definitely went up in the last couple of years. Other ingredients as well but not as much.

If you place the silicone mat face down on a clean sheet pan right as you remove it from the freezer push down on it with another sheet pan then pull it up. This process removes lots of the skin inbetween the molds some times a few gummies come up. you can then continue with your demolding process with less skin.

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