Copper turned my dabs black!

Yes I have used some metal chelating resins on the small scale from cold ethanol extracted cannabis solutions for heavy metal remediation.


Or just walk into the sketchiest gas station you can find. They are sure to have some chore boy.

Fair warning, they will think you are smoking crack


Just DON’T buy a rose


Fascinating! Did you have issues regenerating the resins in ethanol? Were you using a filter or column

We were having to do like 7 column volumes large scale of an acid,neutral, base, then neutral then buffered solution. It was very time consuming.

Heavy metals get removed during distillation so it was just more of a fun experiment but not practical if I want to regenerate… Like you said there are a lot of solutions used to wash them.

I’m looking for a resin that will catch sugars and other potential water solubles so I can avoid having to go a hexane/saline wash or other technique to clean up prior to distillation.

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just a reg cheap non choir boy copper scrubber turned alcohol black. No resin

Did you clean it thoroughly before @FrozenCaveMan? If so what were the steps you took to do so?

Have you checked out what Dow has in that regard?

I know the technique can be done for separating simpler sugars from larger sugars. But you need some trial and error under your belt.

Lol this happened to me once I was like ooh chore boy and my friend was ex addict so he was like yea they think you’re smoking crack now


I’ve spoken to a few people and the response I get is “try to identify the sugar molecules first”. So I’ve sent out a sample of my extract for sugar identification. We’ll see what kind of response I get when I have the known ID of the molecules present.