Cool new kava/kratom drink thing

Hey, for the record, I hope you’re right.

I don’t think you are, but that would be cool.

What sort of evidence would make you decide you are wrong?

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I knew this was the direction the post would go, happy to see both sides since I am considering carrying kratom and kava products in my shop

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Probably nothing.

Why do you care what I think?

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Sceletium Tortuosum is nice. I didn’t know it could be smoked. When I first learned about it, people were trying various curing methods to get rid of the oxalic acid for tea and nasal ROI.

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Yeah, you can smoke it and it actually has a nice roasty taste. Like hardwood smoke.


Where can you find it by chance?

I just got it at my local herb store. But it’s available online.


I’ll check it out

From what I understand tudei kava (the wild variety) otherwise known as “ceremonial” kava is responsible for the toxic effect on the liver.

I believe the governments in these South Pacific nations don’t allow the exportation of tudei kava for this reason.

Before this was known, kava got a bad wrap in some European countries and was banned.


Started using micronized borongoru last week. Nasty taste but it gets the job done. Double whammy with CBN but too much morning after sedation.

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What exactly are effects? Never heard of it before, but I’ll look it up now. I’m honestly looking for something to help consistently with sleep. Cannabinoids help, but I’m tired of having to increase my doses.
Kratom actually keeps me awake more than makes me drowsy. Kava made me relaxed, but I still slept crappy.

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I’ve always had trouble sleeping. I have one speed and it’s “go”. Trazodone can temporarily help you sleep without a hangover and helps chase the blues away too.

I would stay away from hypnotics like Ambien and Lunesta to a avoid a Tiger Woods situation. My friend used to take them and stay awake writing about meeting God, the Devil and Jesus Christ all at once.


I’ve literally tried everything under the sun. I took trazodone, I’ve taken benzos, Seroquel, you name it. I was treated for many years, for all of my issues. Turns out that I don’t really need medication. I just need to figure out how to get my sleep consistent

I’m actually allergic to the lunesta and Ambien. They caused me to get serious tremors

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Up your last kratom dose of the day I usually do like 1/3 larger than my 2 daytime doses. That’s what I do, helps me a ton.


Believe it or not, kratom keeps me up. I’m the same way when I use opiates. They don’t really put me to sleep they give me energy

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Could be the size of dose imo. I’m used to be same way with opiates unless I took a fuck ton, they made me want to work lol

Higher doses of kratom are more sedative ime

Mind me asking your current dose? Fee free to text me if you would rather take this private…

Have you tried melatonin?


Ive had opposite reactions just like @Capttripppp. Melatonin makes me restless.

A buddy used Benadryl for panic attacks after his doctor cut him off from benzos.


It is a strain of kava that is heavy and sedating. Phenibut makes for great sleep but don’t start it. I used 2 to 3 grams daily for years and it has taken over a year to taper down to 120 mg. Nasty rebound anxiety and insomnia. CBN can be tricky. The right dose helps me to sleep but I like around 50 mg on some hemp flower or weed for a clear headed indica feeling. That keeps me awake later in the night.

You may have cortisol spikes at night. I do. Phosphatidylserine at 600 mg makes a difference in not waking up at 3 or 4 am with that wired but tired feeling. I second that trazodone suggestion. Also 500 mg or more of CBD isolate helps sometimes. I found that nothing helps all the time.

Breathing meditation. Fasting after 3pm. Regular exercise. Prayer and forgiveness…I find I need these too… Insomnia is a bitch but maybe we’ll sleep when we’re dead.


I’ve honestly tried most anything. If it’s a medication I guarantee you I’ve taken it, or been prescribed it. Trazodone gives me horrible hangovers, and wicked dry mouth. So that’s why I don’t take it. My sleep isn’t as bad as I’m making it out to be. I am able to get 4 to 6 hours of solid REM rest. And that’s the key as long as I get 4 hours I’m good usually.

Working is helped a lot. When I work a long day I sleep very easily. But I’m happy to have come off of all of the medications. I was using alcohol for a bit, but it was only an excuse to drink honestly. I got a hold of some Seroquel should sleep become allusive. I’m just trying to use what Mother Earth offers us, withv little to no processing.

By the way thanks for your explanation

Edit; I forgot to mention that I do use CBN before bed. Haven’t tried eating it yet. Might do that tonight