CONTEST: Post Processing Clear Tech Hydrocarbon Contest Prizes to the winner!

I personally want to do this with an ethanol extraction(not due how warm i want to run to get something nasty, but cleanable) and clean it up after recovery in a closed loop with butane, but based on literature I’ve already read it sounds like the recovery process of the ethanol is likely going to produce compounds that are very difficult to remove with medias alone. So I’m definitely not expecting to win, but super excited to try!


If the contest is separated into an alcohol and an alkane competition im going to try to get the alcohol win by cleaning a warm methanol wash with ion exchange resin.
If that doesnt work DCM :slightly_smiling_face:

@CuriousChemist22 im curious what compounds are formed as a byproduct of ethanol recovery can u bless me with some literature on that subject?


dumping away old gas the Rogue way
I am probably not in time to give iT a shot to compete but You Guy s made me eager to get the cls out of the dark , wipe of the dust and blast the shit out of Some at least 5 years old Ghana weed that
Makes little sence existing CBN valeu s on the coa without dooing anything :rofl::rofl::rofl: yust a quick warm etho extract


If i was ever in Ghana i would be fishing for river monsters :joy:

What a life u live @Roguelab


4 more years of storage and i Will have natural bio organic thc free CBN Distillate
Now who has THAT :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Not necessarily due to ethanol use as much as the heat required for me to remove or with my available equipment.

Specifically, search for the term difficult and you’ll find this:

“With excessive heat and oxidation, pigments can form color compounds that are difficult to remove or said to be “fixed.” In the event of color fixation, red color is more difficult to remove by bleaching clays alone and resistant to thermal degradation leading to higher red color after deodorization.”

It’ll be interesting to see how running an already recovered product will play into that data.


Can you reproof your ethanol-resin mixture prior to roto, ensuring easier evaporation? perhaps use some of these magic powders in the roto flask :thinking:

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So I actually haven’t gone completely clear but I have learned how to remediate old dark slabs with the clear tek.
So here is my starting material which I threw into my collection pot.

Once in my collection pot I put my top back on and reintroduced solvent at a 10:1 ratio. Now here is the tricky part and this will only work for guys with a pour spout on the bottom of your collection. So looking through my sight glasses I was able to see once all the material was fully dissolved back into the solution. After that I ran a hose from my pour spout to the top of a 6x48 dewax column which was being de waxed with iso/ dry ice. Once all my material was fully transferred into my column stalled to see if another dewax would help clean it up. After about an hour I ran the material through 2 filter stacks attached to the bottom of my column. Bought this handy hydraulic press from harbor freight I believe the cost was roughly $70.
With this press I pressed in all my powders which are as follows. From top down I used a 3 micron filter 2 cups of T-41,3 micron filer, 1 cup of silica 60,1 cup of Celeite and another 3 micron filter

Ran back into my collection and recovered as usual. This was the end product. Once again I haven’t had completely clear results but a hell of a difference.

Thanks Everyone for the Tek and I hope this helps someone else looking to fix some dark slabs.


Looks great, have you tried without pressing the powders



I think we found our first official entry :grin:!!!

I think I didn’t even read the rules… LMAO


I haven’t is that something I should try?


I havent seen a difference between pressed and not pressed yet. Just seeing if you have

I noticed I got better colour when I packed it down vs loose.


Good to know ty

Activated Alumina might be a candidate for something like that, but I’m not really sure how that’d play out in a warm vacuum environment.

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The results have been more consistant for me when I pack the powders too.


All right i think the chemist took this way off topic here.

I think this contest should be performed in a CLOSED LOOP like equipment i sell. Powders preferably but if you can do it without…show it off.

I will make a second contest for using any solvent with any desired outcome. The title stated “Hydrocarbon” Contest. NOT dcm or chloroform. Really guys. This was meant for fun. I have plenty of powders to hold 2 contest. This contest was meant to facitlitate what was already happening in the CRC thread.

Once i have some down time ill start the alcohol contest today. Ill provide the same prize as here.


Bout it… in this!

Okay sorry to complicate things here… so i plan on using a cls, however i did have a small amount of butane in my extract when i mixed it w/ magsil by hand. No more than we leave when we pour into a jar for sauce tek. Still count?


yeah man…all that counts… It just starts to blur the lines when people start bringing up chemical most cant get their hands on and unsafe for most to handle.

I wanted this super simple and we really got far away from that.

@CSI888 example is exactly was i was looking for or wanted out of this contest. sure we can have one for you chemists and ill increase the prize even due to the complicated stuff.

EDIT: TO further add to this. Personally, i think the CRC and the other clear thread are one of the most progressive threads to ever hit this concentrates game. The amount of work done in that thread and what we accomplished as a group i think is almost unprecedented in this industry. I cant think of a time where we as a group took such a large step and as fast as we did.

This was purely to motivate people to keep going with this tech. I think we are doing amazing things together. Im just trying to facilitate growth by incentive.