Communist China BOOFgate

Let me break this down for you

“Intelectual property rights” are a farce. They are simply a way for larger companies to establish artificial barriers to entry of the marketplace and use the state as an enforcement arm to protect their profits. None of us come up with ideas in a vacuum and none of us are entitled to a monopoly on our ideas.

**Intellectual property rights are not a farse. Infact the uspto was created because theft of intellectual property rights and rules set forth with laws and provisions to protect people from damages by unsavory individuals who are commiting such acts; these protections were made to help people secure thier ip. Ip rights exist becusee this was a problem. Fact - almost all ideas come from a vacuum, or else it would have been designed already. In fact the cost can take up to a decade to make up with map pricing and msrp sales even said then profit comes later after a release and recouping. This is a fact and I suggest you attend your local business class at community college to gain a greater understanding of of how these products and such are brought to market(you can’t just bring something to market for nothing). Even if similar ideas are in existence most intellectual property is deemed unique and novel to be granted permission to enforce your right to collect damages from theft of ip(getting a patent). You can’t get a fake patent. You have to factually demonstrate it wasn’t obvious and it was novel and never done before. This means the idea was generated from a vacuum. **

Also, criminal does not equal immoral. I’m sure you can think of plenty of “crimes” you can be thrown in a cage for that have no victim. I mean, 60 years ago it was a crime for a black individual to sit in the front of a public bus. But was that immoral? I believe it’s shady and scummy to hide behind government enforced patents to protect your profits rather than competing in an open and free market. Sometimes it’s the laws themselves that are immoral. I believe IP laws in this country are just that.

I am shocked you compared or even remotely tried to compare something racist and violently repulsive to the act of unethical people practicing theft and making excuses or reasoning why it would be so. What I’m saying is this is a Moot and inappropriate point to argue. Definition in play yes it is criminal to steal and profit from people’s secured and valid patented technology. In fact it’s so bad that your opinion doesnt matter in relation to thinking in 20 or 40 years somehow corporate or private patent owners would have no protections and somehow be looked upon the same way as racists. This is a vile argument.

If someone is making a product that really is better quality than a competitor, they should be able to justify their higher price by making an appeal to quality and allowing the market to decide for themselves. Not bitching about how their competitor infringed on their IP. That just makes it sound like the manufacturer is sore about not being able to utilize the government to protect their profits.

I don’t think even you know what you’re saying here.

In a true free market, the spoils go to those who can offer the best goods or services at the best price. The advantage of innovation is being first to the market. IP shits all over that idea and protects greedy actors.

**In a true free market in a society we live in what you said is inaccurate. I suggest you take some business classes and understand what free market means. I suggest you trully educate yourself in the black and white relation of patent laws, and intellectual property protections to owners who who secure thier inventions or work. You’ve expressed your opinion. None of wich is factually accurate and more or less is a understanding of everyonew impression of you that you are jealous people have worked hard to create stuff and legally secure futures for thier staff family and other affiliated manufactures and peers they work with. Your argument wouldn’t hold up in court, and even if you ever practiced what you preached you would have too much to lose. Why don’t you stick to facts and how the world revolves around you every day. **

It’s easier for you to say. “I don’t care for hard working people or companies. Let that guy do all the work and I’m going to reap the benefits. Screw him. That jack ass has to pay insurance and bonds and liability and lawyers to make his business rotate and I’m going to literally bone that mfer and then give him shit after becusee at the end of the day I hide my cash and also, fuck the gov, I’m not claiming what I made this year. And back to that guy, fuck him and his success. It’s my turn to shine and I’m going to play dirty.”

**The spoils go to the people who make it happen. People who do things the right way for the right reasons. **

We would all respect you more if you were just a bit more honest.

I’m sorry to anyone who had to read this mumbo jumbo. I don’t know how to use this site. I bolded my responces.