Colorado? Boulder shooting

So just heard there was a mass shooting in Boulder hope all the @colorado folks are okay & safe!


live link above

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Had a friend there say 7 are deceased.

crazy; whelp inb4 the media says they need to take our guns away and then in a week all will be forgotten and memory holed like every other shooting as of late; crazy world we live in now.


That’s the Democratic agenda


Yep . Funny it only happens in spots with no open carry like Denver and Boulder. Never in the springs …just saying. Could be the military base there but the point being you’re not going to try it when you know almost everyone else has one too :slight_smile:


So many ex snipers in co springs tho… shootings happen in the springs…

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Just from a quick Google search I only seen maybe 2 or 3 shootings In the springs to like what 10+ to the Denver metro area . Big difference

I live nxt to chicago. this happens daily, once in my town in ten years to my knowledge.

theres a vid on amazon about how people go to humboldt to harvest and end up dead. no bodies recovered but presumed dead= rippers.

Denver/Metro population


US: 19th

Colorado Springs/Population

464,871 (2019)


But you still missed the point how Denver metro area has banned open carry here while Colorado Springs allows it . More shootings happen in Denver cause people know there is less likelihood to be shot besides by police. Criminals pick the easier of targets. Think about it, they don’t go breaking into veterans houses cause cause know they’re probably armed heavily. They pick targets they know are less likely to defend themselves .


This one shocked me. Boulder is pretty tame - shit happens but not like this. Boulder has been priced out of the craziness a long time ago straight up. I live out in the really nice burbs way outside of Denver and we’ve seen cars get shot up, bodies in the street, cops having a dude held the fuck up in his car at gunpoint at 2pm. Shit gets wild in Denver AND the springs - especially the springs if you ask me though because there’s more space out there. You don’t have space like that in Denver. People forget the second you go past CO springs it slowly becomes the desert more and more and more, shit is unsettling at times. The Springs is all tweakers and the unhinged. The less you give a fuck about life and the more you’re running from something in Colorado the further south you go. If you don’t believe this Drive down 285 starting in Denver, lock your doors when you get to Saguache


Dude I’ve had to lock my door everywhere I’ve lived here. Lakewood, Thornton, Aurora they’re none are safe places here anymore. I assumed Boulder, layfayette, superior etc you felt were the safe super uppity folks live and that doesn’t happen. Yeah if you’re trying to compare Pueblo to the springs it’s a night a day difference because the Cartels run Pueblo. The military has the springs so thats that’s don’t see this kind of stuff popping off down there. Yeah all that happens in the burbs of Denver because it’s illegal to pack heat unless you got a consealed. You don’t see this shit happening in the mountains either cause we all know they got guns in their vehicles lol .


Nah I agree Pueblo is where the birdies go and the springs is where the chunks go. It’s fucking rough down there, I’m Danny fucking Glover and i’m too old for that shit haha.

But I lived in that area for about 2 years. Nah they still try that shit. They’re just too cranked out and think they’re faster on the draw. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again - what happened down there is the supermax. Gangbanger goes in - does 10-20 and for SOME fucking reason doesn’t want to go back home and literally moves into Canon City right outside of Penrose (I think that’s the supermax town, I forget.). They stay there for like a half year get bored then go to Pueblo and click up/raise hell.

We had to deal with lovely individuals like this on the daily, this is roughly where I was.


Good point there haha

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Boulder definitely priced out but they allow the homeless and transient community to do whatever they want these last 3 years. It used to be a safe and somewhat close-knit community but now there’s tents, trash and needles everywhere. Its sad what people will allow in the name of progressiveness.

I lived at the Harvard apartments across the street from this king soops for a bit, then down the street on s boulder rd for several years. This king soops and the luckys market were my daily shoppers for years.

Its funny, to me, to hear how scary any of these areas are though. I moved from Phoenix to Colorado because my cousin made the move to commerce city and told me about how safe it was.

One thing Phoenix doesn’t have though…mass shootings. Odd that Colorado does. You’d think that with the comfort and safety, people would appreciate life a little more? But this crap continues to happen in suburb communities throughout CO. Might be safer if folks were more familiar with guns, not just the criminals.



Oh look a new gun control bill is coming out what coincidence

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It was crazy to me the first time I went to Colfax in Denver, at first I was like “Oh shit, I do not want to turn on Colfax.” because of my experiences with Colfax in FL, but Denver Colfax =/= FL Colfax in the least. Sure, it has homeless people, but you’re not paranoid about getting carjacked, lol.


Colfax ain’t shjt here lol . I lived at colfax and sheridan for 3 yrs, you want action go to thay 7-11 at 2 am haha you’re gonna see some shit but i never felt like I was gonna get robbed lol now I’m over here over near colfax and chambers and I still don’t feel like I’m gonna get robbed like I did in the south when I grew up :rofl: