CLS Ethanol Extraction Training/Classes

I am looking for CLS Ethanol Extraction Training/Classes. Finding lots of papers on the subject but no actual classes or training. Also finding lots of hydrocarbon extraction courses. How similar are the systems? Is there enough crossover that its worth taking the BHO training courses? Or do you know of any CLS Ethanol Extraction Training/Classes?

If youā€™re looking for classes on closed loop hydrocarbon stuff I would reach out to @Dred_pirate and/or @murphymurri they are both great teachers and have a deep well of knowledge.


Thanks but I am specifically looking for ethanol extraction, even though ethanol is technically a hydrocarbon derivative it looks like most CLS listed as ā€˜hydrocarbonā€™ are with butane/propane systems.
Iā€™m looking specifically ethanol extraction because most volatile extraction is mostly prohibited in my area. Seems like hands on ethanol extraction training doesnā€™t exist. Hopefully someone on here is looking for an intern?

Conceptually the two can be very similar.

Weed in tube
solvent through weed.
Evaporate solvent.
Go again.

Precision sells a system rated for both, and (long before they did) I certainly ran ethanol through my 2015 PX1 on a couple of occasions when the boss said go and OHA said ā€œnot with butane you donā€™tā€.

Boss couldnā€™t tell the differenceā€¦but he ran his nail too hot soā€¦

Iā€™d recommend a centrifuge over a tube full of weed., but Iā€™m clearly biased.


What kind of scalability are you looking for? For getting your toes conceptually wet, Iā€™d look into the source turbo or whatever the updated modelā€™s name is. Easy UI-reasonable $ entry point

If youā€™re looking at scale-Iā€™d plan to get a rotovap/chiller setup asap-passive Solvent reclaim + potential to decarb in the same system if so desired!

Not a ton of folks running ethanol through a cls, so you may have a hard time finding a class specifically for that. Youā€™ll have better luck just looking for ethanol extraction and processing training in general.

Wouldnā€™t hurt to take a class on using a cls with hydrocarbons, too. Might not apply directly to etoh extraction, but you will learn the basics of how a closed loop system works, along with tons of other valuable knowledge.

Honestly, Iā€™d start here:

Itā€™s not cls, but itā€™s gold.


Do you know of any hands on cannabis extraction training available?

No, I donā€™t. You can always pay me to come hold your hand :wink:

Hit me up via DMā€¦