Closed Loop Accidents

pretty sure @dabtb tried telling @Mosaic_Co-Labs that @GreenMachine_Consult was a drug user.

…and @Killa12345 misinterpreted and (mis)informed @dabtb that y’all was the new user name of said “drug user” (I thought we all used drugs here!?!).

so @dabtb thinks you’re @GreenMachine_Consult and probably conflates that with @GreenMachineLab and/or @GreenMachineLabs

note: steve told me that.


I thought killa did. Maybe im confused on what he meant. Anyway, edited the post fir accuracies sake

Not sure who you are but you definitely arent me :joy: I threw the keys to the consult account into the abyss when I left. This is my OG personal account. I figured the shit show would go on without me when I left but I didn’t think I’d be impersonated years later for seemingly no reason.

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This makes my head spin…and who is Steve? Labman?



My current moniker for Chatgpt

See: Help finding a terpene paper


Actually a good idea instead of infusing rolling paper with cannabinoids
Infuse em with terps :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Had a tech set a bottle of iso on the stove with it on and start the kitchen on fire. Fire extinguishers close by saved the day. Saved the kitchen lost the microwave and the stove. Sanded the cabinets and its hard to tell it even happened 5 years later.

I agree that’s wrong. Just cause someone says something doesn’t mean it’s official. Ppl eager to slander.

Proverbs 18:13
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it , it is folly and shame unto him.

You could hurt that man’s business and reputation. @dabtb What if you were in his shoes? Didn’t do what your being accused of…how would you feel?

He was pretty polite about it.


As killa is pretty official on the site, I figured I could take his word, goibg as far as to ask him how he knew. His reply, its common kniwledge on the forum.

I immediately edited so as to clarify.

No intention of slandering the wrong guy.

So whats the problem?

@ThePhilosopherStoned is the wrong guy.

You publicly slandered the wrong guy.


What if he liked it tho?


You seem well versed, do you think he liked it?


Hahah so this doesn’t exactly fall into closed loop accidents, but I assume there’s not enough open blasters still alive for a full “open blast accidents” thread.

So back in 2008, my uncle came back from CO and showed me how to open blast in the good old 2008 ghetto fashion. As terrible as this sounds now, anyone working back then will remember the good old pvc tube with caps with holes drilled.(Don’t bother scolding me on the negatives of pvc, I know. This was before vac ovens were available/common knowledge as well, so all bad)

So you basically end up with what looks like a pipe bomb :joy: one hole drilled on one cap (for the can of butane nozzle), a shower head of holes drilled on opposite cap. Anyone who’s done this, or anything similar should remember the back pressure that releases out the top once you remove the tane can.

I did this as safe as possible, working outside and just getting bowls of hot water from my inside sink and bringing them outside to avoid any source of potential sparks.

My friend (that claimed he watched my process very carefully) attempted to replicate this is his apartment. Blasted a tube on his kitchen counter, while his gas stove was heating up some coffee water. Homie says he saw the actual trail of flame start slowly next to the stove, quickly pushed the pyrex farther away, and chucked the pvc tube towards the living room.

Doesn’t sound terrible so far? My other buddy and his girlfriend were in the living room at the time. From all accounts, the back pressure of butane from the top of the pvc caught on fire and acted as a sort of mini rocket propellant :joy:

Somehow no explosion, i think they may have had to put out a small fire on the carpet. Small apartment too, so I’m personally amazed it didn’t go worse. Great lesson on checking how much your buddies/wooks are actually “paying attention” before releasing them into the world though.


And fixed it wheb the mistake was realized. So sit down

O boy end s all well taking in account the circumstances :joy::joy::joy:

Quite intreuged now if a pvc pipe filled with tame and one small hole could be used as a rocket :rocket:


Efficiently? No. Could it be done? Yes. Should it? No.

Plastic shrapnel is terrifying.

But fun :star_struck: and probably a great learning curve
I have lit everything on fire before I start working with it creates respect and a bit of fear keeps you sharp and aware of the danger



Definitely a solid method to gain a perspective on how dangerous flammable substances are!

  • Pyrophoric flame test
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rocket no, but it could be entertaining. this is one can in a campfire…

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