Clean up dark shatter - please help!

Hey everyone!

I got 200g of this shatter and it looks dark to me. I did not make it.

What are my options in cleaning it up?

Thank you!

Do you have any equipment? If not then your options are slim as that’s not worth buying any gear for

That looks decent to me. I’m not about the crc life though, so… That could just be me.


Im getting apollo 2p closed loop and vac oven in a couple of weeks. Would that help?

Ive heard the color like that might come from dark flowers but what i got is from 2 completely diff strains and looks very similar so this tells be it was the process.

If you get a loop you’ll be able to get a crc

Please elaborate im a newbie. Ty

Search crc column


Doesn’t look dark to me. In fact, that strawberry blonde color might have already been CRCd.

How does it dab? Do you know who made it? Do you know how they made it? How’s the nose?


That material looks fine to come from cured flower/trim. I’ll second @Sidco_Cat here… how does it taste? Does it leave a lot of residue behind? I think a lot of kids coming up in the CRC age have unreasonable expectations for mids.


I advise to take it out of that ziplock bag and place it in some parchment paper or fep film, then replace inside of at least a freezer bag


What does a lab test say?

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Is it tangie?


Sugar it, centrifuge it, then redissolve back together with less of the sauce fraction in it

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Good to hear that it looks decent, ive give out some samples and will know soon. It does crack, has a strong smell. I guess i compared ot to all the other gold ones in the market and thought this is inferior.

Do you mean snap and cracker on the nail? What does “strong smell” mean?

If it’s already been crc then the strong smell is for sure ass

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And tiities?

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