@cyclopath here’s his/her pump
thanks! guess I really should learn to read huh?
yeah, if that gets drunk it should be pretty obvious…
All I see here is free feet pics…
Not too shabby either.
I don’t like how I look. I’m a guy. Lol.
But yeah I stopped after a while I’m gonna get some dry ice at some point and rig something up to filter directly into my roto like I should’ve.
No but now I know I should’ve.
My bad, I recalled a while ago someone saying you were a woman. Didn’t know if that was true or not. Thats why i said his/her, it wasn’t in reference to the feet pics lol
Awkwardly sits near a rock.
Can we keep talking about reclaim and my janky setup and not my feet.
Tbh, I do take care of them. Every so often I file them. I give them baths. They’re kept in socks a majority of the time and I don’t sleep in socks.
Side Story :
I do suffer from mental illness though and I used to have episodes where I would rip off all my toenails besides the big one.
I did it so much to my pinky toe nails because eventually I stopped ripping all of them and only kept ripping off the pinky toenail, they’ll never grow back in normal.
It wasn’t until a few years ago that I stopped ripping off my pinky toenail and it’s still tempting and I really want to but I can’t anymore because it just sucks to have to take care of it after and a cycle of thinking I’m not gonna agian but I really will… I think it was an addiction.
I know Fire in and Out. is there a way to remediate bad taste?? Terps do not fix that issue
Well the first time I did it I was adding a tiny ass like 0.03gr piece of finished product of every slab leading up to it, I was also adding tiny nugs of medical every now and then.
It wasn’t terrible, like I said it was tasty but you can definitely tell somewhere along the way that it was claim because you could taste the rainbow if you know what I mean.
This time it smells pretty fucking bad like terrible absolutely fucking gag on my irritated bowel kind of gross.
Why am I doing anything with it is beyond me! I honestly wanna just turn it into an oil to put it back into a jar for the next time around and keep it going with the next batch. …
Aw snap that’s what I’m gonna do.
i used mine for practice and testing. surprisingly it came out okish tasting horrable. its garbage either way lol
Retracted after I looked at original experiment. It’s the same shit as the first time it turned red too. The degrading happened then too but I’m guessing this one kinda just degraded more… , it turned red tho
Retracted after remembering science.
I remembered that terps help make a shatter stick together soemtimes and that stripping terps won’t make a shatter.
So! It’s rare I have anything useful or worth commenting, I think you can agree
Your symptoms reminded me of trichotillomania, which I’ve dealt with. That’s pulling out your hair (I pull out beard and mustache hairs)
Your flavor is called " Onychotillomania"
Doesn’t really help the symptoms, but I feel comforted by knowing what things are called. Hope you’re well! I have to fight the hair pulling and the nail chewing pretty hard sometimes.
“Delusions of infestation,” well now that’s my head. I’ve been wanting an mri becasue I half and half belive there’s spiders in my head but cause of a heat in my head that flares sometimes.
The toenails just literally feel good. I’ve been craving to rip off my pinky toenails SO BAD!!! I just can’t though. It’s been too many times and they’ve finally grown back in as normal as they’ll get. I really just want to get them redone or professionally looked at…
My teeth also itch from time to time but I don’t feel the need to itch at them… I leave that to the dentist and laugh while they itch the spot. They get a kick out of it.
I also had multiple staph infections as a kid from picking scabs too many times and it left me with a few scars on my arm but I used to tell people it’s high velocity paintball shot scars.
Same for my nails and my mustache hairs. Well those ones fucking hurt, but there’s this odd satisfaction that accompanies it.
Do you have any hydrogen peroki? I thought I heard that it was supposed to clean up the funky reds/pinks.
H2 O2 can defenatly remediate color of reds and pink yet only on alkane
Extracts not sure what it exactly does do
Bleach the extract or react with the compounds but yeah it can kill certain reds and pinks another color killer is UV light in the
High 300nm spectrum starting around 365nm
Takes about 2 hours to get it all but interesting
Althou both tech s are final resources
I would recomend searching for the right powder first
I used to do all my rotovap runs with a blue led “behind” it. I say “behind” because it was the reflection of the blue led.