I was looking at the CINC centrifuge systems and came across this video, pretty neat and figured I would share as I know some of you folks on here are really digging deep into the possibilities of LLE @coppertop I know you’ll enjoy this
I want it.
I want it now.
The amount of want I have for it is inversely proportional to the amount of money I have.
@david can you make glass bodies like this?
Also looke here
isolate seperation perhaps?
I was actually looking at these the other day.
my first thought is alwaus “how can I build this myself?”
unfortunately answer is usually “well I need to see one in person”
Is this continuous liquid-liquid extraction a replacement for media based filtering? What constituants would you aim to remove with this?
I’ve been aware of these devices since my days doing soil and groundwater remediation for the DOE and DOD. There was an amusing lawsuit regarding investments in this outfit, that involved Kevin Costner.
Anyhow, this is a liquid-liquid extractor/contractor, not designed for solids separation. Think in terms of automating saline washes of oleoresins in heptane. Could be extremely useful…,
Anyone get their hands on something like this yet? Thoughts versus a mixer settler battery? Seems a little more compact/less solvent intensive (especially for high # of stages) but would love to hear if anyone has actually used one in industry.
I will have videos of a small pilot scale skid Incorporating one of these very soon I’m actually sitting down tonight to get the whole system cost it out
I worked with a continuous centrifuge for separating crude oil from water when studying environmental science. It’s a pretty neat tool, I would be curious how you might implement it in this industry
Super excited to see it. How many stages do you plan to run?
Any updates on this? Trying to decide if it’s worth actively pursuing some research here soon
Hell yeah, is it awesome?!?
Not sure yet lol, that picture is from 30 seconds after it came out of the box. I’m sure once I open it up my first thought is gonna be “well I could have welded that up for a lot less than $8k” but well, sometimes it’s kind of nice to just write a check and get a functional piece of equipment.
Can’t wait to fire this bad larry up. Downside is I have three processes I want to use it for and only one unit lol
Must be $$$ for breaking up emulsions
One thing I really want to try it for is we often have a problem in MeOH/heptane systems where there are two phases but they have such similar densities that they won’t actually separate. Hoping this will sort that out for us