If you know what your looking for. Talk to David. Search David + glassware im sure his thread will come up. He makes excellent glass, very inexpensive. The first set i got was USA Lab, wish I would have heard about David before that. Glass quality especially the design was on another level and I thinknit was less expensive.
For an inexpensive mantel you could go to USA LAB or BVV or get on Ali/dhgate and get the same thing minus the customer service for a lot less.
Pump grab an Alcatel 2021i ebay, or you may have a local shop thatll have them depending on where you live. I get them locally for 500 can go in with vac guage and test them all and pick the best one.
Edit: This is David’s thread you can scroll through and see what others have gotten from him. Also production and shipping is very fast. I get stuff from him as fast as from US suppliers.