Cf50+cat 1000d - sold

Cart Farmer CF50 and CAT 1000D are sold. Thank you for the offers.


DM sent on the cart farmer


is that the OG res thats like 3mm thick? can you tell what tip that is?

Im out of stock on farmers, and since im moving, it’ll prolly be 2 weeks+ till I’m back yall!!!

Price on homogenizer?

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I’d start it out at $750+shipping OBO

For the homogenizer and the g40 shaft?

You sell the g20v by itself?

Yes sir, but I dont have a listing out of sheer laziness

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Yeah - is that fair in your opinion? I have zero idea what they go for nowadays

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If you are happy with that amount, sure, but the homogenizer alone is worth 5-600 used (the motor last nearly forever)

Thats one of the largest and most expensive shafts cat sells, if the internal components are in good condition, its worth at least 200, prolly more like 350, depending on condition

Ill take it for 750 if you can disassemble and photograph the g40


Sorry for the delay - sold last night.

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If elected trust level 4, I would make it easier to resell cart equipment by being out of stock more often due to poor time management

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Beat you to it broski sorry but I’ll make sure I buy a g20v off ya and probably some spare shit

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