Are c-cells really the best? A lot of stores want us to switch and just trying to figure out the benefit because they are awfully expensive compared to what we get now from Ygreen.
They can absorb up to .3 from a .5ml cart m, imagine that customer appeal. I’ve ordered them from China and the price was great but people thought they were getting shorted cause it was only half full
Because of the ceramic heating element that’s porous. Is there any other cartridge at the moment that can come close to the taste the ccell’s give? + The cloud of smoke
I know exactly where your at in your thinking. It became my life’s goal for a short time to figure out a different cartridge because I hate paying the price tag I’m paying for them. I spent thousands and I repeat thousands testing different cartridges. At the end of the day you really are not going to find a cartridge that is comparable. I will warne you that if you start using them and your customers get used to them your stuck using them because going back just doesn’t work. My customers all flipped out when I tried to use a series of different carts so keep that in mind.
I’ve asked a few reps from different companies what is it that makes them soooo much better because to me it just doesn’t make sense that SOMEONE can’t make a copy that is as good. I’ve been told they have much higher quality ceramics and they spend a lot on R&D. I’m going to jump for joy when they get knocked off the high horse they are riding on and lose a ton of their customers to a company who’s charging half what they are for a cart that is just as good. I give it 2-3 years I hope. I don’t know how true the things I’ve been told are but I’m just telling you what I’ve learned. I’m sure someone will disagree and pick apart what I just stated but this is only my opinion and what I’ve learned throughout this whole process. I wish I would have never given my customers them because some of these knock offs really are not that bad. They work fine and if you never used a CCell you would think they are good. Hope this has helped please lmk if you want to know anything else.
Let me say I only use the .5ml ccells now and don’t have a TON of experience with the 1mls if that means anything to you as well. As far absorbing large amounts I have not experienced anything worth complaining about. I have noticed that the knock off ccells I use absorb a noticeable amount.
I think I’ve very good luck because the 2 carts I’ve used now a few hundred times each have never failed, or leaked and are very close in performance to a branded CCell. Both are 1.75. I’m talking maybe a 5% increase in performance on branded CCells. I think you are getting pushback because that is what customers are blindly asking for. In my opinion CCells appeal to a very small segment of the market. The guy who’s a noob , worried about carts not firing after he fills it, leaking, some sort of horror story about non branded’s,etc or someone who can make a cart last a week or two and paying the premium is worth getting that extra 5% out because it is more meaningful for a lack of better words.
I’ve very anxious to try QCELL which should come Monday. I have Ygreen coming 1.40 per on domestics, did I do ok?
Key is finding a ceramic heating element that perfectly balanced. I’ve used Jupiter Research and Hamilton Devices ccell brand before and love the cartridge but the expense is definitely there. Another company I have been sourcing through is Labeled Oil. Originally found them on Instagram, messaged them and honestly had a great experience talking with them. I sampled both .5 Ml as well 1 Ml and was astonished they weren’t ccell. They claim they have 1/200 leakage rate but I haven’t had trouble with a single one of the 1,000 I ordered. Huge intake holes, coil handles with no leakage into airway and priced right.
You’re referring to the CCELL patented company here correct? Do you happen to have any information on the benefits of a Food Grade ccell vs an Industrial Grade ccell? My boss is worried about heavy metal testing if we go with the industrial grade, is this common or no? Also do you know of any distributors who sell food grade ccell other than green tank tech?
What’s the best carts to get? Haven’t bought in a year or better…ccell was my last and best pick? LMAO they were great but I never even thought about that… I’m looking to try differnt brands
I’ve tried every style cart there is. Ccells were the best. Now I like liberty v9 the best. No leaks ever. Always runs the entire cart no issues. Rips fat. Has adjustable top air flow so you can actually get some air flow
What is pricing like on the Liberty v9 and where is a good place to get them at ? We are in the process of placing a big order for cartridges. Thanks !
Also has anyone had the liberties testing in a regulated market ? I have also been concerned about heavy metal testing and the cart making said test fail.