CBG seeds at reasonable MOQ and seed price

please let me know how to acquire so.e of the cbg seed

Anyone have thoughts on this potential CBG seed supplier?

1,000 minimum @ $10/ea

COA of the cbg seeds

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Who grew those?
Have any pics?
Where did the seed come from originally?
How do they have more of it?
Is it just seed that happened to appear in their 2019 CBG crop?


The breeder is Adam DUNN and they are saying proprietary genetics so won’t tell lineage.

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Everyone that DM’ed or posted, I’ll reach out on Thursday/Friday. Trying to put order in early next week

I’d get these instead…

I agree. Though having seeds now… useful. My question is are these seeds clonable? I thought the oregon CBD strains are sterile and don’t clone. but i dunno

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Wait, a cannabis plant can be sterile, thus uncloneable?


I never spoke with them but someone told me they are not clonable. Autoflower? I don’t know. I’d love something I could clone is all I’m saying.

I could be completely wrong on this, but I think that they breed with a set of female plants, any post in-breeding will result in a large array of un-identical offspring. all should be clone-able, unless there is something new in the work.


i dont think so. even cuttings from autos will root, they just wont ever go back into a vegetative state. theres probably some sort of fuckery that could be applied to achieve unclonable plants but im pretty sure it would require genetic modification or something


I can’t find that ad on the marketplace website anymore and that company doesn’t even have a website link that works.

They were probably referring to the OregonCBD MTA which states you cannot

"sell, exchange, lease, donate or otherwise make available to any third party cuttings, tissue, seeds, or pollen for the purpose of multiplying or maintaining seeds or derivative plants in their fundamental characteristic form "


Weird ya it’s not showing up but if you go to their profile and listings it still shows up and you can see the listing:


You need to register an account on the marketplace to send them a message from the listing page.

Compiling final tally then taking payments Monday and Tuesday. Please DM me if you want in on group purchase.

Got access to a few hundred/thousand untested CBG seeds from this years harvest taken from 13% CBG flower.

I know they are a long shot but could be something good in them

Flower smoked in the joint was ok, it might have made me sleepy but who knows lol


To be clear, you are arranging a group buy for someone else’s CBG seeds, right?

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Was just throwing it out there. They are from biomass we’ve purchased and would let em go for cheap to someone looking to work them. As stated, they are untested and pollen source unknown

@Future if it’s not allowed or unethical to sell em ill remove the comment


My homie got a bunch of cbg seeds this same way

Good luck!!!

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