CBDV distillation thoughts

Ive just made a batch of isolate that had half a percent of CBDV, and 98.7% CBD, Im supppppeeerrr curious as to where the hell this CBDV came from?? my research is leading me to believe its from the starting material genetics.

Ive searched the internet high and low for info on CBDV and the pickings are slim, anyone have any juicy nuggets to share about this compound???

also should i charge more for this isolate errr “isolate” then i would for stuff thats just 99% cbd? my partner is of the impression that this iso is more valuble due to the rarity and novelty of CBDV.
or should i try to purify the CBD through intense washing/recrystallization???


Most cbd isolate will show a little cbdv, its just cbd with a propyl chain instead of a pentyl. ike thcv is to thc. Yes it comes from specific genetics of the starting material, and no its not worth any more, unless you get that above maybe 10 percent. and even then thats hyper niche


Fursure man, thanks for the info, first time ive had iso test for CBDV so its thrown me for a loop!


We have some seeds incoming that have been bred for high cbdv production - it’s a very interesting venture and I will report once we have solid data on the stuff.


good stuff man, I keep reading on the benefits of CBDV as a medicine, it is really some interesting stuff, it has incredible potential!!!


Report back :eyes:

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Im currently running some heavy cbdv % flower. Is there a market for CBDV yet? Is there eventually going to be demand for it or is it just another noid to add to the list? Research is limited even now after a few years of working with these cbdv cultivars.


I was going to add it to my list next year purely because of the claimed CBDV:THC ratio of the genetics. If it was anything like the CBG I grew this year there should be no problem getting <0.3 Total THC in trimmed flower and perhaps even concentrate…

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I should have been more clear with my post. I’m extracting the flower and distilling it to then isolate it. It’s about 2:1.5 cbd>cbdv.
Just wondering if there is anyone slanging it and if it’s actually moving.

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The key is to seperate the cbdv and cbd so you have pure cbd v then you can make it into thc v

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via chromo? Isnt the BP directly the same as cbd?

I want to try membranes and distillation

The BP of cbd v should be a decent bit lower, it’s alot lighter then cbd in terms of molecular weight

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I’m distilling it now. I read some article from some Canadians implying they both come off at 165c.

The MW of regular cbd is 314

Cbdv is 286.415

I’d try and collect and early fraction and test it and see if it’s cbd v heavy. In theory it should have a slightly lower BP because it’s MW is less


Thanks K,
Yeah i took early fractions and they are in the hplc running right now. Hope to know something in about 20 mins. Im thinking that they will co-distill since they are so close weight-wise. We shall see…


I’d love to hear the results when you get them!

This is a video of some high d9 thc v that I think was converted from cbd v

Triisobutylaluminium is notorious for making thc oxidize purple


Dayum bud. Rocks yo.

Here’s what the disty is looking like


Lemme find the test results

Like 96% d9 and 1% d8

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Damn bro those look wild!


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