exactly, cause if you really wanna work in the legal weed business…those people will find a way; they will get “resourceful” in order not to have to cook meth and ghb in hemp labs… :wink:


Money makes the world go 'round.

Edit: Ya know, this situation really attributes the fact that “payable by fine” means “legal for rich people.” I knew a guy that I went to high school with, his dad owned an electric company, he had 5 DUIs before he was 22 years old. So one day, at a party that he drove home drunk from, I asked him, “Dude, how tf do you have 5 DUIs and still have a drivers license?”

“Well, my dad has the best lawyer in the state for that stuff, he has a bunch of DUIs too.”

So, we have to ask ourselves, how is it reasonable to give this idiot, who literally is incapable of learning his lesson, his driver’s license back? That’s only the 5 times he got caught, I’m quite sure there’s hundreds if not thousands of more times he has done it. Obviously, he’s lucky, managed to never accidentally kill anyone, by the skin of his teeth I’m sure.

System is broken, turd in the soup, new soup please.


This dude is a fucking wanker, I have absolutely no issues with any of his science(which is still speculative) but specifically tying to undermine hard working people in the cannabis industry by cutting your shitty hemp converted products into real cannabis isn’t just fucking ridiculous but could also cause a domino effect and kill the wholesale price for all extracts and.eventually make.it impossible to try and turn a decent profit running traditional biomass/trim and force everyone into making shitty botanical terpene cbda converted thca extract :worried::confused::disappointed:


I would love to see test results on this

He makes alot of claims without any test results


He’s ignored all my DMs trying to get more info :man_shrugging:


Hopefully that process weans the stupid from the pool. So many ignorant bud tenders spouting misinformation in Washington. It’s both staggering and hilarious.

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It most certainly does not, unfortunately. I spent my last year in CO educating every budtender I talked to. I don’t mean to say they were all stupid, only un/miseducated.


Dude for real? I caught a felony and was able to get a lawyer to clean it up easily. Been badged for years.

And dude. The budtenders here are idiots. The sublime shirts are a dead giveaway (we obviously need you back :wink: )

Dude (for good measure)

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I guess that’s what I get for believing things that only represented my own experience, lol.

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Normally when I’m doing a little road tripping and I don’t want to carry something on me I’m subjected to this. My first words to them are always “SO LET’S PRETEND FOR A MINUTE I DIDN’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT PERCENTAGES…”

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I can say that in AK I had no problem getting my MJ Handler’s Card. I don’t know what the requirements were outside of taking the required 8 hour course/exam ($150), getting a State Trooper background check ($25), and then submitting the application for the cars itself ($40). I’m a felon in FL, and my shit was done on 1/1/11. (Yes, I walked out of prison on that day.)

I will say that since then I’ve had my right to bare arms restored (literally on paper), and I’ve done what I can to stay out of trouble. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get my Handler’s Card, but everything worked out, and hopefully if I go to another state I’ll be able to “trade” my Handler’s Card from here for whatever that state’s card that I go to


I’ve made this before, something like two years ago. Another project just on the shelf, unfortunately. But, if no one has mentioned, when you cyclize CBDA you make both forms of THCA (THCA-A and THCA-B or so-called abnormal THCA) depending on which -OH is cyclized. Take a look at the CBDA molecule, either of the two -OH groups may participate in the cyclization and if you picture how the ring would close, its forms two separate products based on which OH remains and which forms the ring.

Also, its easier to purify THCA-A from shitty cheap trim than to synthesize it from CBDA, but the CBDA route yields THCA-B which is largely unexplored.


Holy shit dude you’re 100% correct :flushed:

I never realized this


I’m glad I could help. if you run the rxn not so carefully, you can make at least 4 products - the two delta 9 acids (A and B) and their neutral counterparts. And depending on your reagent/conditions you could have the delta 8 counterparts of those 4 compounds for a total of 8 potential products haha. According to Air Budian logic, ain’t nothin in the rules that said delta 8 THCA-B is illegal/can’t play basketball.


Any idea if we can somehow control which are made?

Could doing the reaction maybe with a certain crystal polymorph help?

I’m literally thinking about trying to run the reaction on the central so the cbd a molecules stay in a certain position lol

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Can you tell me a little more please?!

You created more questions now then you answered :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Are you suggesting a specific enzyme that’ll react with the specific OH group?

Enzymes excel at single enantiomers.

Engineering or selecting one for this trick would be required.

Ideally a selection scheme that allowed critters to live if and only if they made the right enantiomer.

Which is the hard part.

For a review on the concept see: Evolving Enzymes for Biocatalysis | SpringerLink

This article covers concepts developed for the directed evolution of enzymes. The principle strategy is given in comparison to rational protein design followed by a description of the most prominent methods for creation of mutant libraries.


Rabbit hole time!

Thank you sir