CBD to THC Conversion - Patent Linked

This is… Not how testing should be done. CRMs are not cheap but they’re the minimum price to play; why would anyone choose to not use them?


Sorry, you called it a lab so i assumed it was a testing lab.

I’m not quick to assume whats what, I can just easily see the results they are sharing shouldn’t be considered accurate in the slightest bit as they have a terrible method and an even worse idea of what an analytical standard is supposed to be.

I’m also unsure why you suggest a full panel test for “better” results. Save this client some money and have them do a potency only test and not waste money on testing for solvents, pests, heavy metals, and micros.


Unless you can show a full standard run showing d8 and d9 are well resolved with that method (and I’d place my bets on that not being the case…) That chromatogram can in no way be considered to show no d9. They probably are just completely co-eluting.


Better safe than sorry as I’m not there in person to ensure every variable goes accordingly. Besides if a conversion isn’t full panel would you trust it if you yourself didn’t clean it up?(not saying they didn’t but most folks will pass they’re conversions around like maple syrup. )

@MagisterChemist uhmmm it’s only showing D9 & cbd… it’s a d9 conversion not d8…

If its to sell yes, a full panel should always be done. But its not a 100% way to confirm its safe to sell or consume.

I was under the assumption you were only showing this coa to share their conversion results which is why i suggested only doing a potency test.

To be clear a full panel on a conversion isnt really going to tell me if its safe to consume or if it still has acid or another catalyst still in it, so to answer your question, NO I wouldnt trust it with or wothout a full panel.


Full panel can’t test for unknown conversion products…


They plan on selling it eventually so may as well full panel right? :man_shrugging:t3:

I’d rather show full panel to see if any residual may be present from non catalyst compounds…

If you test for heavy metals I’m prettttttty sure zinc would show up


no zinc will not show up.

Heavy metal tests for Cadmium, Arsenic, Lead and Mercury

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Orrrrrrmyou just don’t use a lab that uses it as a standard :man_shrugging:t3:. It’s a heavy metal, all that would need to be done is adding the parameters to the testing.


looks like a run on an SRI GC. specifically the 420. their least expensive machine.

@srihugh1 ?


Yeah, you can test for anything. semantics. I stated the standard required heavy metals tested by 3rd party labs that test cannabis.

Care to share what lab you are having your client send a sample in that tests for zinc?

I’m don’t have a specific lab, just was stating that you could have them tested for that. As I was told you can’t test for conversion catalysts…

Anyone tried making a pTSA “standard” of sorts or buying one?


Well actually if they are an accredited lab they may not be willing to test for some random analyte they’ve never done a proficiency test for. Especially if they follow ISO. And they certainly won’t stand behind the results accuracy.


It is I just asked them, waiting on exact model #

Yes it is the 420

Gets his testing standard from Hugh the owner of Sri so if y’all are knowledgeable about them I, sure you’ll know more about this subject than I.

You havent done many d9 conversions have you? D8 is by-product of d9 synths; doesn’t matter the method I’ve literally done them all and all will show small amounts of d8. The only method selective enough to focus on the d9 pathway isnt scalable beyond RBFs imo.

$100 bucks says you have co-elution; also your TAC is low af and I would not consume this product. Also good money says its oxidizing weird ass colors. Post a picture of the final product.

Also as for the material testing hot for heavy metals; if your post processing techniques are up to snuff you should never have a detectable amount in the product. Ever; if you do; you fucked up somewhere in process.


@RockSteady quit reaching & start reading my dude, I’m tired of it.

If you think a rxn top out is limited to a boiling flask you obviously have a lot of learning to do.

Also tac is 89% :thinking::joy::man_facepalming:t3:

Hahahahahahahahahahahah try running polyphoric materials in a chinese reactor and get back to me.

Whats the other 11% you started with 99% isolate.

Quit buying Chinese crap then get back to me :wink::man_shrugging:t3: