Cbd isomerization to d8 and d9 thc

Okey i vaped 0.1 g of the 10,4% CBD, 0,2 %thc Weed bud that I hade blasted with a ozone generator from wish(same model as in the patent) for 1 h.

The effect is more that just CBD and there is definitely more that 0,2 % THC now.

The effect is like crappy bush weed. Nothing exciting but you get high.

I’m gonna try to ozone it for another 30 min and see if it gets more potent.

Next experiment is to ozone CBD isolate! :smiley:


In the name of science :grin:
O well there is risk in everything


I look forward to seeing the results :slight_smile:

If you were to make an approximate estimate of the increase in thc, what would you say?

“Lil more high”


I have no idea I can’t give you a %.

It made me stoned but I had to take like 4-5 big tokes with XVAPE X-MAX v1 heated to 220 C (428 F)

The taste was very neutral, probably because the ozone destroys most of the terps.

One thing I forgot to mention was that after I ozoned the CBD I blew regular air on the buds to stop the ozone reaction. It seams like the ozone sticks to the bud and keeps reacting so to stop the reaction you need to add other molecules for it to react with.


Hey guys! Here is a update

So I ozoned 0.1 g of CBD isolate for 1 h. The crystals changed colour from white to amber. The smell is… bad. It smells like dried urine/ammonia

I read some strains can smell like cat piss but I think I’m gonna bin this batch because it really smells toxic.

Im gonna try a new batch and only run the ozone generator for 15 min.


You should use a beam test or a lab. You might’ve made something good. Qualitative analysis doesn’t do much here.

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Optical rotation can tell a nice story as well. If you want to approach from that angle.

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Sounds legit, and is definitely more of a valuable test than actual chemical analysis

Don’t react CBD with O3, that won’t make THC but oxidise the shit out of the molecule. Psychoactive byproducts? Maybe. Unknown hazardous crap product? Definitely.


I need to see the mass spec and safety studies, bruh

(Welcome back @roiplek! You missed some real interesting drama)

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Well, i certainly didn’t miss it :wink:


@roiplek is @iontrap confirmed!

@moveweight the case has been cracked!



@iontrap has chromatograph data!



lul bruh. I’m saying i didn’t miss that drama as in i didn’t miss any of you shitheads by not participating


That TLC is mighty impressive though!


I did a 15 min ozone blast on some CBD, it still smells like urine.
So the reaction must be one of the first reactions when the CBD comes in contact with ozone.

Here is the sample of the 1 h ozone CBD reaction from yesterday.
It smells abit less like urine today.

Some reflections about the reaction. It must also happen in natural environments. There is always some ozone present in nature although this is taking the natural reaction to the extreme.


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Looks like your link is busted

will you stop this bs? Ozone will not make CBD isomerize to THC, period


Debatable !