CBD High tunnel/Greenhouse CBD plants

How may square feet would one need to grow 50 cbd plants. Thanks.

Depends on strain but I would go 1250.

That depends on how big you grow them…

More smaller plants are easier to deal with & will give a more uniform product (assuming clones not seed), than a few monsters.

If you’re using natural light you can only plant so early, and your flowering time is fixed. The earlier you plant, the bigger your plants at flower…

In OR we are limited by plant count (THC). Which means folks know how to grow monsters…

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How long are you vegging them for? Do you have a target yield?

We want to grow 50 hemp plants and to see what it would cost and what it would yield and how much profit. It will be all CBD and ran under the state hemp program. From there we will decide to grow the project if enough profit exists or be done with it and use the greenhouse for a garden. We plan on starting next summer when the time to plant is ready.

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The first run is pretty simple, just grow in a high tunnel or greenhouse, trying to figure out the best way. One grow throughout summer. Grow them until 75-90% of the hairs are brown/amber and as big as we can. See what that will harvest, then move the product through winter and game plan where to go from there based on the results.

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have you looked in the Data Dump! (Scientific Papers) ?

There are at least a couple of cultivation books in there if I recall correctly.

I like to grow a plant per 4 sq ft…

4 sq feet? How big do you let the plant get? I’m also trying to do maths to figure out a greenhouse grow, but I want to use artificial lighting to supplement the sun(so I can veg in winter)

I was thinking you needed more like 9-10 sqft?

I have a 4x8 tent that I use for personal use. I grow 4 at a time and they get pretty big. I grow in 10 gallon pots.

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