"CBD gummies are bad"

Saw this article: A Doctor On Why Gummies Aren't The Best Way To Take CBD | mindbodygreen

Her evidence comes from a 2015 story. Yeah, nobody back then had any idea what they were doing, with some not even being ignorant but straight up malicious…Do the study again now that there are more professional players in the game.

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Maybe instead it should say something like - CBD gummies have less bioavailability than other forms of consumption. But since she goes on to say that capsules are a better plan that doesn’t make a lot of sense.

And then mention that its suppositories which are the most bioavailable. Perhaps show a chart and link to the studies that have been done in the last 15 years (there are more than one).

In my experience testing products for consumers (and the FDA’s experience telling people to stop because things are mislabeled) - we are probably still in the wild wild west phase, even 5 years later.

Did you know there are just as many FDA complaints about mislabeled potency now as there were back then (more actually…)? So it feels appropriate to still be concerned depending on the source.

In general - I agree that this advertisement is misleading. Because it doesn’t address the information actually known.

The only thing that appears really accurate here is about how much sugar is present. Cause there is a lot of sugar. But - there’s also usually sugar in capsules and definitely in pills (part of the formulation is sucrose or a sugar substitute).

And it looks like the author is also not a doctor - but is advertising that the information here is from a doctor (who actually owns the company that is being advertised for…)

So yeah - crappy, misleading advertisements suck. There’s no guarantee that this specific product will be tested correctly. And it will have less bioavailability than a gummy and way way less than a suppository.

Just one more reason we need better regulation on this kind of stuff!


Howdy doody pilgrim. Great write up

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When it’s actually the ROA with the least bioavailability.

Suppositories or oral dosage? The literature supports that bioavailability of CBD via suppositories depending on route (vagina/rectum) is between 45-70%. It then has no second pass action so its a faster delivery with more absorbance - because it doesn’t have to go through the liver to get into the bloodstream.

For Oral dosage in food - its usually 10-15%. For tablets/capsules - depending on the style its usually 2-7%. Those are some huge differences. And we don’t have to wonder about the science. There’s great research on these subjects from Switzerland and another clinical trial is actually underway here in the US now. I know its crazy - but it seems like GW Pharma wants to keep making more of these kinds of products!

The stuff from Switzerland found that bioavailability from vaginal and rectal suppositories was more than expected in their most recent study. They looked at different groups of cannabinoids included synthetic biosimilars.

There is old research from like 1985 that says THC is not bioavailable in the rectum - but they were using like hash resin, which the study doesn’t really indicate if they decarbed or not. And THC isn’t CBD. -shrug-

Anyway - anecdotally I can tell you it really helps with cramps - but I don’t know that it would help everyone. And even when its got THC in it - it hasn’t gotten me high. Which is a bonus, when you just want pain relief and don’t want to be elevated.

Sure would be nice if the DEA would get out of the way for this kind of research in the US - so much more drug development and clinical work is done here. Such is life. :slight_smile:

Can you cite the sources that support this? thanks!

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Ill just sell my cbd gummies cheap so people dont have to put it in thier butts.


I think if you boof beer it gets you drunk, im not doing it because I just got some lagunitas born yesterday and it tastes too good to put in my butt.

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Your one sentence responses to my posts, got me feeling like you trolling. If you can’t use the information I provided to find the academic journals for this using google fu - I’m not interested in spoon feeding your troll nature.

I supported the original post - specifically by indicating they I thought the science was disingenuous and misleading, which often happens in our industry with advertisements.

So you won’t get anymore from me. And if the focus is really on “putting stuff in butts” and not on why this kind of misleading advertisement is inappropriate and giving our industry a bad name. Then you have completely the missed the point.

Shame dude. Shame. x.X


it wasnt misleading at all. It said people make weak gummies with poor homogenization. Thats why everyone tells me mine are the best. How would you even quantify cbd personally, it doesnt get you high.


So asking for proof is trolling now. Looks like you got caught

What happens even more often is some dude claiming stuff that’s just too good to be true and when called out replies with accusations of trolling instead of bringing facts. Instead of your weirdly long response, one link would have sufficed.

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I put my beer in my butt and will continue to do so. It tickles when my butt burps. I know its anecdotal and there’s no quantification for how much tickling is actually beneficial, but I find therapeutic value in it. Dont take my cbd from me too, just cuz it doesn’t tickle your butt. Next thing I know I cant marry my body pillow or move to Mars for the atmosphere. 2020 will be the year of anecdotal individualism, I declare. Placebos have been determined to be more potent than the drugs it seems?

Edit damn that came out all wrong.


you dont want to know what I do with a french loaf. It involves butter


I don’t know about YOU ALL, but I’m here for the butt tickling…

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I know I might have got a little obtuse but if you got in a car w mathew macconghauy (I tried three or four tim’es to spell it :grin:) and he was like hey kid, you got a tincture?

Yeah, but it’s not homogonized

Itd be alot cooler if it was

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You forgot to mention the most important detail, is the beer still in the can when you do this? If not I might have just done this all wrong. I might need a doctor now.


It’s up to you of course

I recommend cracking the can after, not before

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I might need an in-person consult for that one.

That’s enough out of me lol

Lo siento amigos.


Can I just agree with the title :man_shrugging:t3:

I’d like add a word though…can we make the title “all cbd gummies are bad” or “cbd gummies are like eating non cbd gummies”.

Just sayin. :joy::rofl::joy: