CBD Crystallization

What what kind of Einstein must one be to get full acces :joy:
I ll ask the members that en. Ounter
UCO in there proces to send you sampels

Yes i would be happy to characterize them via nmr and ir if sent samples


Youā€™re right to be doubtful, its uncommon and talk is cheap. My sample was not produced elegantly by any means, rather it was sort of just dumb luck I crashed out a solid from a hemp derived CBDA experiment I forgot about. Based on starting material alone and mass balance, there is nothing else it could be (unless Iā€™ve discovered a novel cannabinoid in good olā€™ hemp, in which case I will be accepting my Nobel this December). Nonetheless, via LC it matches up exactly with CBDA - both by retention time and UV, confirmed by spiking with fresh analytical standard. I certainly am able get NMR (and probably will), but Iā€™m fairly inactive on here and likely would not post about it.


Well if you care to have me look at the nmr i would be happy to. Just message me or email to qgaconsulting@gmail.com


right on, thanks! Ill keep ya in mind.

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If you could send him a small sample we might be able to confirm the existence of CBDa for the community. Please do :pray:

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Well, for me its research material so it is a bit precious. Like I said, Iā€™ve already confirmed it to be CBDA via multiple chromographic methods (RP-LC retention times line up identically even when spiked with CBDA standard, TLC RFs match identically, UV traces match up to pure analytical standard and published literature, and it was derived from fresh hemp biomass). My point is, it matches up in every way both normal and reverse phase with CBDA. I realize the NMR would be most definitive for anyone with doubts, but it both walks and talks like a duck and came from duck-bearing biomass so the doubts I would be assuaging would not be my own. But, whenever someone else down the line claims to have isolated this compound as well it would be interesting to compare our melting points since evidently few other sources have claimed to know of one.


3rd party testing does a lot for your claims.
Could you dissolve a small amount in ethanol and test the pH


Hello, new to the forum here. Was googling something and came across this site. Seems very knowledgeable on hereā€¦hope I have some knowledge to add in the near future.

Cyclopath, do you work in the industry? Is your CBD strain exclusive? Would love to know more about it.

Itā€™s a Harlequin x Tsunami cutā€¦ not one I have access to at this time.

Check the Phylos Galaxy for others in the same cluster.


Not sure if you have seen NiTech Solutions continuous crystallizer? Beautiful in form and function. High throughput and high purity of CBD isolate production already proven. Sales and tech service in the US.

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most likely sugars and partially decarbed material

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where is proof of these claims?

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Welcome @WillDaviesNiTech Show us some stuff! We like moving pictures paced with real info!


heating and cooling in a pressured vessel is how you instigate crystallization.

a vape cart is quite literally a tiny crystallization vesselā€¦it promotes the growth of crystals. especially if you live somewhere cold and go inside to outside. itā€™s really a conundrumā€¦


I have a different type of question regarding the OP on the crystallization inside the cart.
Iā€™m not thr smartest guy out there. But I would guestimate that the CBD is crystallizing due to what ever the other compounds the CBD is sitting in, are being vaporized out of the cart at a different rate than the CBD itself. Thus causing the crystals to precipitate out of the solution in the cart. Right? I hope Iā€™m right :rofl::rofl:

Anyway. If and a big if. As I dont have all the vaporization data in front of me. Wouldnt a way/formula/binding agent. To keep the solution vaporizing at the same rate solve that?
Iā€™m not offering any ideas of said things. Just pondering.



Unwanted lol!!!

Made some 2:1ā€™s. Having a hard time breaking up the crystals. Looks okay in a cart.

heating above about 65C should get them melted.

at 2:1 they should stay gone in the carts.

Do you do it in a reactor with pentane?

On that note, how can I adapt a flat bottom glassware to my roto condenser so that I could use it to recycle pentane from a crystallization dish/vessel? Iā€™ve got -20c chiller Is that cold enough for pentane vapor at half vac/rt vessel? Or just crystallize in the round roto flask? I was thinking thatd be problematic, wouldnā€™t a flat bottom with a stir bar be better?