Cartridge information

True terpenes has a product called Viscosity. I’ve heard it works well. They claim that it’s made from 100% organic terpenes. I asked them what is in it, though, and they said it was a proprietary blend. But they did provide a certificate of analysis.

@theclearscientist uses triethyl citrate as a cutting agent for some of the vape pens he makes.


i believe the triethyl citrate can also be used to cut pure CBD carts (metled down isolate) to keep them from recrystallizing when the cart is heated. But I havnt tried it myself. I would like to try TTs viscosity additive but its sooo expensive. MCT is cheap cut but I hate using it.


Yea! I think that’s what I saw it used for first.

Yea I want to find out what’s in that true terpenes blend so I can make some myself!

The price still works for some people but it makes no sense to pay so much for what it is.

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I’m currently using true terpenes terps and mct oil about 10% of both but I don’t feel like the flavor is really there. They all taste really similar to me. I don’t like using mct oil but it’s the cheapest I’ve found, it’s clear, and helps with the viscosity. How much is true terpenes thinning agent? It’s probably just some kind of mct oil derivative

Mct vs triethyl citrate in distillate cartridges, which you think is better? Does triethyl citrate have a taste? I feel like the mct oil leaves a coconut taste depending on how much you use

Im pretty sure you need alot less of TT additive to achieve the same viscosity as you would MCT oil (which does help with the big price tag). I would love to know if anyone knows a good triethyl citrate ratio to use with distillate or CBD tho-i have yet to experiment with it.


You can try mixing your own terpene profile. Find some flower or extract that you like and get tested for terpenes then recreate it.

I think MCT oil is pretty bad to use.

Triethyl citrate has nonflavor. Spend some googling time to research it. I think it’s definitely better than MCT or peg

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Yea it seams to be way better and people already use it as a emulsifier and flavorless diluent for ejuice.

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that is exabtly what i did and its by far the best way to go


Is mixing much different that MCT oil? How long and at what temps do I need to be at when mixing with distillate and terps?

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I’ve used viscosity and I think it’s a great product. The price tag is the only downside. Definitely interested in trying TT.

Still trying to achieve a good ratio for live resin carts with no distillate. Trying to find the right decarb method/ratio.

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Does one need like a CAT homoginizer?? or can it be done on a heated plate with stir bar?

I use a heated magnetic stirrer to terp and/or cut distillate. A homogenizer is supposedly better but I really can’t tell the difference.


ultrasonics all the way. i saw they have ultrasonic homogenizers now


All depends on how much heat you use but it doesn’t take long at all. A heating mantle works fine around 100-120F, I try to keep it low as possible. It looks like the distillate can get a shade darker from prolonged overheatin

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What type of ratios work well with viscosity? And how expensive is expensive? Like it costs more than the distillate itself?

It’s cheaper than the distillate.
Price depends on how much you buy though. You can go on their website and look at how much you would need then do the math(spreadsheet that bitch) on what cut you are planning to do.
If all you’re trying to do is make it thinner so that if flows better through certain carts then all you should need is about a 10% cut.


I met these guys at Cannacon.

They are marketing this as leak-proof with a full refund on the cartridge and up to $10 on the oil if it ever leaks. I have some samples coming and will have @Future4200 test them out.


My favorite ratios so far is 6-10% depending on your HTE viscosity.

Still trying to find the perfect ratio so i can avoid using distillate. Ive been happy with decarbing 60-70% on the HC extract. I then add the remaining .4-.3g HTE. Basically a 70 decarb : 30 HTE ratio. Dependent on your HTE you wont even need Viscosity.

Does anyone have any tips on decarbing the HC portion whats the best temps and times for terpene retention. Been using the old 252F for 27-30min. Definitely burning away a large majority of the terpenes, but oil still smells great after this process. Just not good enough when put into the Jupiter ccell cartridge. Flavor isnt what i would think when i smell the decarbed oil.

probably heating them very hot and sealed under the nitrogen atmosphere at ~200c for 6 mins. at least that was the conclusion of one decarboxylation study i found. i always stick with low an slow personally. y do u need it to be decarb if its going in a vape pen? and if ur gonna debarb u could do it when its in its “vape liquid” consistency then watchs the bubbles