I’ve searched for a few days and have seen some reference posts with this info in it but ill be damned if I can find it …
Looking to make some carts to mainly know what I have and what exactly is in it.
That being said im looking to do this focusing on quality , could care less about profit on these ,
I’ll be using d6 distillate and terps , looking for what percent you use , if I can avoid cut that’s ideal
Best cartridge ?
Best terps? ( ordered from floraplex but willing to experiment if you have another competitor )
I did get some uber thick and dilute Incase I have to play with the viscosity of it a little but really would like to not have to that’s why Im reaching out.
Thanks in advance , Im new to this page but am digging it , was referred here by a good friend and have found tons of good reads so far.
Should ad I’m looking for screw on tip cartridge not press on as I’m not set up for that
Wow what’s d6 thc??
Right round 98
If you have 98% d6 thc do you even need our help with your eighth dimensional drugs?
where did you guys get the testing standards for the 98% d6 results or who conducted the test?
@Poordirt is asking for cart recipes but is sooooo far ahead of the curve with d6… i think we should be asking you how you created such pure d6. Hey @drjackhughes whatcha this about this one??
Well guys before this gets blown out of the water I have no clue how it was made , I’m going off of what I was told from a very close friend , could he be lying to me yes def , but I have no reason to believe that I’m looking to keep what ever I have as pure as i can that’s it
Killa I will most def get you info where he sends for tests also
This is going to be a fun thread to watch. D6 96% !!!
90 % distillate
10% terps
Such a simple formula that you can modify to taste depending on your imputs.
But with d6 isolate, u should be more worried with selling it off at the highest price you can possibly set
Ain’t d6 also known as d10? Cus I got a bunch of that. Dunno that I’d wanna make carts from it tho… just sayin isn’t d6 aka d10?
1 million dollhairs per cart !!!
Will you post a pic of your material pls?
Yeah guys , it’s the weekend here I’m up at camp getingn some R&R today but in the am I will post pics if I can figure it out if not I’ll post on my insta and link it that way , also I was NOT trying to stir the pot with a claim of D-6 just simply going off what I’m told , I’m old school , flower , bho and hash is what I’m familiar with , this was just what I was told it very well could not be … but even if it’s not I would still like to be able to not cut it, with a dilute or thickener If possible , thank you to who chimed in with the 10% terp suggestion I will start there
I appreciate the feedback
Yeah that’s what my distillate looks like Skittles are a thing of the past sweedishfish barf carts
He’s messing with you due to current events.
In all seriousness, id the d6 the dude is trying to sell you is actually d10 like these guys say, you probably don’t want it. I’m assuming you are making recreational carts. You are a good sport, so I’ll expand
Live resin: 100% (Absolute highest quality you can produce with minimal effort)
HTE: 10-50% total, depending on how crystallized the hte is
Hemp terps: 7-10%
If anyone who has tried @Betroit terps please chime in on your favorite ratio, it seems you guys use less than 10%
If you are using a plastic bodied cartridge, and need to keep your terps under 8%, you can either increase distillate or add c8 if your material is too thicc (vacuum cooked diamonds mmmmmm)
Yeah I had a few zips of it gifted so honestly im not sure just going off what I was told it was , he is a good friend and being it was a gift I figured he’d have no reason to lie lol but who the hell knows these days , thanks for the info looks like I got some more reading to do