More than 1200 sample tests given elevated THC potency results by lab in Lewis Co.
OLYMPIA WA Cannabis testing lab Praxis shut down for falsifying test results | Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) issued a summary suspension of Praxis Laboratory’s certification to conduct quality assurance testing. Located in Centralia, Washington, Praxis was found to have falsified testing data to provide high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) potency results for more than 1200 samples of cannabis.
During the investigation the lab owner attempted to destroy evidence of falsified data in an effort to obstruct LCB’s ability to conduct a complete investigation.
Labeling cannabis with falsely high THC potency levels is a form of consumer deception and is prohibited under Washington law. THC is the natural chemical compound responsible for cannabis’s psychoactive effect. Because of this, cannabis users seeking more pronounced psychoactive results may choose to buy cannabis with higher levels of THC.
The summary suspension is effective for 180 days beginning December 10, 2020 until June 8, 2021. During that time the WSLCB will seek permanent revocation of the “marijuana laboratory” certification due to fraud, and the subsequent investigation obstruction. Moving forward, the lab will no longer be allowed to test cannabis for licensees in Washington.
Standard procedures can’t prevent outright fraud (like literally just typing different numbers into the report than what you actually got). Although such behavior will leave an audit trail and in this case it did.
Yes, that’s correct. Which is why i said if there was a real investigation they would be busted. But it’s not handled as a matter of course and the annual audits prioritize seeing that you can test accurately, not so much whether you’re engaged in bribery.
I used to work for Rose City Lab and i can say we never did that while i was there. Sometimes we had to kick out angry clients yelling at us because we refused to fake their results.
I mean no disrespect to you, I obviously have no clue when you worked there.
But Rose City Labs testing fucking sucks. So fucking inconsistent. Finally I gave them distillate samples from the same batch, pulled at exactly the same time, named them 2 different things. Told them they were different runs. 15% discrepancy between the two
Another thing labs here in Oregon have been known to do is encourage false test results through the adultration of testing samples.
I’ve personally seen lab representatives ask if I wanted to dump some kief on to flower samples after they’ve been pulled, knowing it would artificially inflate the numbers. Practices like this are common.
Cannabis testing has a long way to go. Glad to see a shitty player get taken out. I’m surprised it has taken this long. The powers that be should have been dropping the hammer for years!
We did this same thing to psi labs 6yrs or so ago. Took 1 flower, cut into 3 pieces, all labeled 3 different strains. Got back 3 different thc % and profiles.
I can’t speak much to that, for not a single employee remains in common from when i worked there. I was employed mainly in 2016. In any case, “bad” results and taking bribes are two separate issues… You could be a shitty lab but honestly report what your machines say, or your machine could read everything accurately but you edit the reports when asked.
WRT to Rose City Labs, we never had any issues with them for hemp and terpene testing. They drove out to Bend, OR all the time and had great turnaround times (5-7 days). No issues with corruption or test integrity.
GMP can’t prevent outright fraud. But inviting Future into the factory and lying to his face when he filed an official customer complaint left behind an incriminating, auditable, paper trail.
Question is, do I present my evidence to the authorities pursuing criminal action against TT?