Canadian LP Cannabis Price

Problem is the IHR have held back the strains high in CBD here in Canada for so long that farmers are making more off the black side than they ever will on the white side. Canada’s hemp farmers are not allowed to extract it or increase potency but so few inspections go down that every hemp farmer I know just tosses the approved seeds out and plants thc instead


This is some of the shit that’s on the market up here. Straight from the government store.


Wondering whats happening a year later.


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From one of the legal extractors:

From a marketplace report:
Note that the * means that this marketplace didn’t have any sales on it in that category this month.






Hey @Lincoln20XX hope all is well.

I have a friend of a friend with a micro cult looking for processors, they keep getting low balled. They are under 25% so can see it was already quite low prices in march/april.

Wondering if you have a current market report your able to share again.


That was from CCX - Canadian Cannabis Exchange - I believe. I’ll try to remember to dig out the most recent one when I get to the office.

I think if you get on their mailing list they send them out monthly.

The report is available here: EOM Report - Jul2022 - Canadian Cannabis Exchange

I’d post it but they’ve got confidentiality type language in there and I don’t particularly like paying lawyers so you’ll have to put your email in there if you want to download the report.

Looks like something around or under a buck a gram is the going rate for sub 25% flower.

If I were a cultivator, if someone offered me real cash money for something I’d grown I’d think very hard about it before saying no.

If it’s on net terms or something, it’s way less interesting/attractive of course.

Thanks for the link!

Under or a buck a gram, I just cant imagine how it would work out for micro sized cultivators, rough stuff!

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I’ve got wholesale offers for over 3$ for my flower, quality has got to be there to get good prices. Anything over 27% is what is required with also bag appeal and terps. I had 5 strains tested a couple weeks ago and they were all over the 27%.


Micros who produce really good flower will still do ok. Pretty much everyone else in the cultivation world is gonna have a bad time these days, and likely for the next year or two.


Searching for some insight into the costs of toll extraction and other processing in the LP market.

Any input is much appreciated :love_you_gesture: :open_hands:

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Somewhere between abusive and reasonable depending on who you try to work with. 60/40 is pretty standard for splits. Tolling is pretty variable.

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From what I can tell there is alot of biomass available rite now and most extractors are simply busy for the next 4-6 months crushing piles of outdoor and flower that didn’t sell, what do you want washed ?


It depends, Some charge per gram of input being processed. some charge on output processed. some may final package and excise and put to market on a split.

As for current prices, Im seeing everywhere from $0.05/g up to $0.25/g for fresh frozen

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Thanks all!

Not licensed yet, just doing some cursory business planning. Just thinking of a contingency if the processing lic takes longer than the cultivation.

**edit bump with a related Q.

Any Canadian processors have insight into domestic butane sources and if they also have had any medusa issues.

1 Like would seem to be on top of that.


We don’t use butane, but I know of one legal processor who does and has found that they had no issues after using one of the commonly discussed remediation methods.


Wonder if their butanes origin was from a canadian refiner or from more common usa sources, or if the supplies are mixed etc.

Just thinking if there is perhaps some overlooked sources that may have “clean” gas vs remediation path.

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