Canada micro cultivation/ extraction

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had any leads on info on getting setup with a hydrocarbon lab in canada? I’m currently renovating two buildings i bought earlier this fall, one will be the micro cultivation 2150sq ft canopy, there will be lab space in this building and I will have another building next door as a nursery.
My plan was to just get setup for extracts after making some revenue but if I could get a smaller system to fit in my budget from day 1 maybe I would. We’ve got a lot of work to do but here’s a couple pictures. Flower rooms are 1400 sq ft with 1050 canopy and the rest of the building is about 6000sq ft. The extract lab is 370sq ft, do you guys think that would be enough room?
First pic is one of the flower rooms the other two are going to be the processing areas


Are you an LP or working the grey market?

i think he is trying to be the category, micro cultivation, and micro processing lic. Which is a type of LP, with limits set upon them.
Best case is to stack 4 to 5 micro cultivations vs 1 processing.
The micro Cults and processing Lic, have less regulations set upon them. but have to stay under 2150 sq ft of canopy per micro cult lic.


Micro lp. We have a 2150sq ft canopy limit.

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What kind of limit on processing?

600 kg of biomass per year I believe


or unlimited from your own grow.


Do you have that in writing and direct from the horse’s mouth? My understanding from chatting with Health Canada and other regulatory is that is not (or is no longer) the case with micros.

I’m not certain though, as we’re not playing in the micro space.

this is on the official HC website.


Well that’s a beautiful thing. I’m glad they let that happen.


Hardly worth all the hassle of setting up a facility for that kind of volume, unless you’re heavy on “bucket tek “.

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i figured at 5 micro cults, and one micro processing, and some fancy/legal paperwork, you could make this work. Before diving into the LP size of operation

If I were to be doing a retrofit on an existing non-hazardous rated facility - you’re likely to be considered an F class occupancy - I’d budget somewhere in the $500-750k range, including equipment, assuming you can do a lot of the work yourself.

The trick is getting fully certified equipment. You’re going to need CRN registration on your pressure systems, CSA/UL everything, more documentation than a reasonable person can eat in a single setting, and a lot of other stuff.

I suggest you obtain a copy of ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 1389:2020 and do some reading. Also S4400, as that’s functionally the checklist your fire marshall or other AHJ will be using to check compliance before you’re allowed to turn your lights on.

If you’re efficient with your space you can make 370 sqft work for sure. We’re setting up to do tons per hour from a bit over 600.


I think “from the same site” is going to be the hiccup there - I seem to remember that there’s a “one cultivator per site” reg somewhere. Again, I could be wrong.

Most of the groups we’ve talked to that are looking to do that type of operation - or at least the ones that have approached us - are looking at a stack of micro cultivator operations and a single standard processor in the middle.

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ya, u dont need much to keep up to 2150 sq ft of canopy.

Ok for sure it won’t fit in my start up budget, I had a feeling it would be a run around with health Canada. My plan was to either build a couple micros or convert it into a standard lp in the future and that might be the better option. My property came with 35 acres so I have plenty of room to expand in the future.

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I was hoping to have something like a 10lb system but with all the regulations it might be hard to get that certified.

You will need to look for CRN stamped systems. This stamp was part of the LP regulation a year ago in Canada. The manufacturing companies that provided the approved systems were over pricing so be ready to drop some bread.

CRN is similar to ASME. Make sure the CRN is approved for your territory. This information could be outdated.

Thanks that’s the exact info I was looking for.

Damn, the “micro”, or “Small Scale Boutique License” in AK is only 500sqft!