California’s Legal Pot Industry ‘Collapsing’: ‘Buyers setting prices’

You’re crazy
This is deps and full seasons that look insane.

True story, I was at the hotel in Medford and dude had loud music so I went and asked him to turn it down
He laughed and invited me in, a Mexican cartel dude who worked there.
I offered him the gelato blunt, and he said “oh I got gelato, 400 for singles” and he had never met me.
I laughed and he handed it to me…
I stopped laughing.
I was paused that someone like this would come and undercut my family who do this for a living…
A couple days later I heard about the slave labor and the 100k for a case of decent deps


Ahem…… in times like these it truly sucks to suck.


The reason this post was created was because legal businesses can’t compete with cartels lol. The workers are working off debt for the ferry across the border.
I met a guy on a farm, said it took him 7xs to cross the border, I’m like htf this was guy in charge of this farm and his dumbass took 7xs to get across. Well he was the smartest one. He wasn’t indebted to them for 2 years. They are here working on grapes and other agriculture paying off their debts. The cartel value it at 100 per off that debt. That’s real money. These dudes are doing 4 to 10 lbs a day. They are building a life here, supporting a family back home, and paying off their debts and the debts of their family when they come. This is very real.
That’s their competitive advantage.
They have these people in tents. Little water. Little bathroom. They get drunk at 10 am and harass women who are here trimming d doing the same thing.
None of this is good.
And if you take 10 farms like the average group here I believe and 1 gets popped, each are say 50 acres, at 500 lbs which is nothing per acre to pull, and more then likely 1200 to 1500 per acre times 50 is 60k is 60k lbs you take 40% away for costs and most of that is labor your company, the Mexican cartel, that created their debt, but even if it isn’t, are you telling me who would sell something that cheap? Well even at 100 a pop and 40% costs that’s 25k lbs to keep it conservative. Times 15k by 250 and that’s 3.7 million. Times 9 farms because 1 busted and your criminal organization nets 33 million it clears.
And some guy with a wolf name in Minnesota thinks it’s a investment nobody would make lol.
Not to mention they have the distribution. So if they average 500 over the whole year that’s 66 million.
And you’re telling me these people just grow mids.
Get your head out of your ass and take notes, no offense intended.
Also cherish your gains and invest them wisely lol.
Next year will be worse.
I’ve seen all this first hand and or been told by the inspectors I work with in my county.
And the director of the hemp department in Oregon.
My county had easily 1 billion and almost 2 billion in it busted farms. They busted like 5 farms. Lol can you imagine the tax revenue the state and feds see. That’s 2 billion and I’m a regulated markets that’s maybe 6 billion taxable from my county.
Good growers dep here looks like other states indoors.


And the costs are far lesser then that. That’s conservative but that could easily jump to 200 million overall and 10% costs


I don’t think white market pricing has to be below the black market to convert the average consumer, it just has to be within 20% or so. Lowering taxes and banning local licensing moratoriums are the logical first steps. It’s doubtful that even if the feds+states allocated a ton more resources to enforcement that they’d make a large dent.


They did that then everyone voted for it too be legalized like it was gonna be at Safeway and cheap. So many people i know have lost absolutely everything, your scenario belongs exactly where @Snook said, a drum circle at a concert any every one is all spun and just wants the world to get along


Yeah but I already know in our capitalistic society we aren’t ever going to see that. We’re always going to see over charge the little man for what they can grow a fuck load of in a warehouse.

So work hard to not be the “little guy”, know plenty of little guys who are massively successful. Whats wrong with capitalism, there’s very few things on this planet that someone else does that you can’t do if you work for it. Its all on you on how your outcome in this life shakes out.


You’re not a farmer are you?

I never started farming to do it for folks for free. We did it illegally and on a grandiose scale…. If you want to be successful put your neck on the line like the rest of everyone else. No risk, no reward.


Seems like the group/generation of entitlement and resentment to anyone successful. Fired a few this yr.


How much video games have you played today?


I’m waiting for someone’s feelings to be offended by this, but it’s the truth. You don’t see this as much with Gen X and older. My Opa came to America after WWII from Germany to start a successful cabbage farm. The older I get, the more I want to be like him.




Its sad, some of the people ive let go you just know there gonna have a real rough go and no concept of hard work. The beauty of free speech, my right doesn’t end at someone else’s feelings.



Sickening isn’t it?

Free market or bust. All current forms of legalization are trash.



I don’t really know how it is in the US.
But in Europe, even people from genx X and above (and even including a few who went through wwII) concur in the fact that starting up at their times was far more straightforward, with notably lower houses prices, full employment, less social dumping etc… this is not taking account of the global climate changes issues. :grimacing:


Found this paper I wonder how it stands up to today’s metrics

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So you guys just realized it’s war huh?

No kidding.

This is why, legalize fast, educate the many, spread and share knowledge, work together.

Some of you folks don’t sound very traditional.