California’s Legal Pot Industry ‘Collapsing’: ‘Buyers setting prices’

The cannabis industry will only work if we try to empower as many of each other as possible, not consolidate, this is a sharing economy issue, not a corporate economy issue.


28 posts were split to a new topic: Who is worse, a cartel member or a gas station owner?

Very interesting read for someone outside of the US. Just to clarify does the material the cartels are growing get funneled into the legal cannabis industry or is it for BM?


slanging out the back door aint as easy as it sounds. I see tons of customers at the store. Im too paranoid to just be yelling YO WEED at a streetcorner but it may come to that.

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Both, and both are problematic. You’ve separated two things that are actually one, it’s “the market”.


I was watching Murder Mountain last night. Prop 64 bureacracy in Cali ruined farmer’s livelihoods with regulation. The same thing has happened over the last year or two in Michigan.

People feel betrayed by an industry that has provided for them for so long.


How to deal with brokers




Well, I think for a business to think they can charge the same price-or higher-than the black market, AND they want to grow in bigger gardens. With less care to each plant…
No, until someone tries to bring the prices down a bit , and if the governmwnt lowers the points they get, then it’s going to be a clown game for the ultra rich to play in, to purchase weed, then no, it’s not going to do good, in general


It seems most people bitching about the market have put themselves(or have been placed based on their skill level) in the “who can sell the cheapest gram” niche. I guess it makes sense if you didn’t think about it. Sure, everyone wants 90% of the market, right?

Unfortunately, that’s the part of the market Marlboro and Budweiser are coming for. Your not going to beat them at who can make the cheapest gram. Period.

If you expect to survive in the market of the future, it will be by catering to the 10% of the market made up of pot snobs. Customers who don’t care as much about the price as the quality.

Wanna survive? Time to level up boys!


If your not super direct to customer, I fear it may not be enough to grow the fire. Because your brokers would rather sell just good enough, and reap the majority of the profit.


The more widely accepted a sharing economy is, the greater the reward for being the one guy who takes but doesn’t give back, thus incentivizing going away from sharing. This is why pure collectivist and sharing ideologies are rarely stable unless the participants abandon competition which has its own problematic effects on innovation. It IS really good at ensuring fair and equitable distribution of resources tho. There’s always a tradeoff.

Game theory my dude.


All the wealthy people who conned their way to the top of the cannabis industry in Michigan are banding together to try to stop home growers and care takers. I imagine it won’t be long before it’s treated like alcohol and home made becomes illegal for “safety”.


They might manage to kill the caregiver system, but won’t be able to take away home grows entirely.

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I hope you’re right, but it disgusts me to see them use the reefer madness playbook against their own industry to establish control. By that I mean whipping up unfounded fears to force regulation for the safety of “the children”.

This says all you need to know about the industry:

“The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association (MCMA), a lobbyist group led by former Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Director Shelly Edgerton and longtime Republican lobbyist Steve Linder, represents some of Michigan’s largest marijuana companies that are supporting the legislation.”


Oh they’re dirty fucks for sure. All the more reason to consider that micro business license.


I heard they dropped the asset requirements around that, but I haven’t been able to locate it in writing. That’s been my dream since I heard about it. Cottage industry all the way.


They did. I don’t have the exact totals, and I believe it also goes down now with social equity if you qualify for that.

If you can get local approval, the micros are not scrutinized the same as the original licenses were for the applications.

Originally if you had bought a car and paid cash at any point, you were denied.


What do you mean? You can grow literally anything that has to do with making beer or wine you just can’t make pure ethanol. You can make beer and wine.

I think with cannabis home grow will never die but I think stricter regulations would be in place elike checking electric bills to prove you’re growing more than the legal amount.

I think with making concentrates they might start getting more strict with making hydrocarbon/cls based concentrates but I think it might just move a lot of rigs indoors and have people get more into active recovery and figuring out ways to make their own chillers.

I’m not too worried. I just think if they “crack down” it’ll be more along the lines of less relaxed and leaned back to actually keeping track.

Medicate, Educate and Regulate was one of the pre-legalization mottos I heard… A lot of the old mottos included the word “Regulate” but I don’t think stoners knew what they were in for.