C1d1 -30, 20ft container freezer

@Loop lmk if willing to front the freezer. I’m really good with money.

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Has anyone made sure that the pot guru is not disabled? Could be making fun of a person with disabilities here.

Yes I am retarded thank you for noticing

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Disabled or not this guys is a known scam artist that recently ripped a church off. Sorry but there’s no excuse for that.

I’m autistic as fuck. Heathy side of aspergers and psychotic coke lord level of bipolar. Can I start stealing from churches and it’s cool now?

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This thread needs seroquel.


I’m holding, who needs it?


not mentally at least, ive had the pleasure of meeting him a few times…More of a con man that sells fire retardant paint, he is very proud of his paint.

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This paint here increase the fire wall protection to 18 hour firewall with regular dry-wall, and NO CAULKING!!!
Some might say it’s magic!

its basically just an ablative paint, nothing too special.



Sorry cant help myself!

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He talks about it like it is only something he can sell, imo its the same as all the commercial products.

maybe he can paint some of that stuff on his ass, you know… to try to get the heat off…lol


Wow I keep finding myself reading these trolling threads. Not the best use of my time but damn if it isn’t funny.

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Does this have built in spill containment? Thanks.

This was a great read