
Do not think we specifically mentioned anything about passive vs active. That may be a comment from someone else! We are simply stating our method of making budder/badder/crumble. Believe you can Achieve the same results regardless wether passive, or active recovery. :facepunch:


Sorry, that was in regards to @Drpgreens. I got my wires mixed up.

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:pray::pray::pray: thank you


I have input. Yes, dewaxing will help you make a better “batter” “budder”. If you are wanting a crumble or cookie like hard texture, fats will be needed. Whipping in a dish using a lowish amount of heat is needed and will get you down to ZERO PPM when done correctly and with a higher terpene content from fresh material, it can give you a nice texture. Lipids and other inactive compounds insure stability. If you are looking for the baby food texture, dewaxing is definitely needed. Fresh material ran with a good cold solvent of your choice, sent into a secondary dewaxing chamber is definitely ideal for that. You can recover however you feel comfortable. I prefer passive, as well, but to each their own.


I have multiple tests showing that it is perfectly safe and exceeds majority of standards. How is not safe or passable?


Yea I also have multiple tests showing that this process is safe. I think if you processed very viscous oil that it may have a hard time purging. Live material passes residual solvent tests no problem.

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Trying this Tec Monday! Will post pictures pending outcome thank you for the informative thread @OilExtractions :+1:t4::pray:


Real nice…

Can you do this using a vacuum chamber? If so how…?what temps and techniques I am a newbie …

1st try its not as sexy as sauce but fesh frozen ran with dry ice with 1hr soak let butane slowly evap under light pressure then got my wrist game on lol smell just punches you in the nose


U can remelt in tane and start over but what’s ur desired outcome?

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Just shatter consistency semi see thru at least I’m currently winterizing it hoping it’s just some fats that I picked up somehow via temp etc

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Anyone make crc crumble?

I have. Whip and wac


After winterizing I got a nice amber see thru it was just lipids whew thought I messed up somewhere never comes out like that


Simply put.
Take your slab of shatter already purged.(my opinion) everything needs to be vacced no whipping to rid of tane shinanagins.
For wet badder Do a slight Taffee pull of it and add it to pyrex at 100-110F max to begin nucleation then agitate once viscosity has lowered. You’ll know by eye when to stop folding/whipping the product to your liking.
To dry it out and create more of a hard crumble, badder.
Take that very product, collect it and form into a loaf/ball place onto parchment then into your oven at a much lower temp. 80F. Pull vac and you’ll end up with a porous looking cookie crumble.


:grinning:looks great!!

Love all the info :pray::grin: much love :fist_right:

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How did you achieve this consistency? I signed up to this website literally just to ask you this lol very pretty wet badder on par with companies like chill extractions or zen extracts. Great work!


how did that work for u never fails over here man!!! its a good tec they know what there doing forsure