Started winterizing some resin in butane about two days ago, started off clear light yellow color and now it’s a non translucent yellow with almost a milky like substance threw out it . Is this my fats congielding making it look like this ? ( worried the milky substance is thca crashing ? ) thought I was supposed to see fats in the form of solid sediment that I would then filter out ?
You’re suppose to do a couple hrs tops….
Def thca
Read somewhere that if ur only using a normalw freezer u should do 48 hours but guess that’s wrong
Most folks when winterizing with butane don’t put it in a freezer.
Still probably thca
Lol I’m aware of the hazards
Thanks for the tip
Any clue why I’m not seeing fats tho? I ran my system with like 31 degree butane. Packed some fresh silica in my crc , maybe it grabbed most of the fats ?
Omg I can’t believe we encourage this. Read dude. Be safe. It’s nothing to lol about.
My freezer works fine , relax Nancy
Way to be. Keep it up.
My freezer would have to stop cooling, but the condenser would have to keep running, and my jars would have to leak … for a very small explosion to possibly occur. It’s in a 4 ounce jar bro . Appreciate it if u were genuinely trying to save someone from an accident but judging by ur wording it seems more likely u were being pretentious
Your assumptions on all accounts are incorrect. Explosions happen.
Read. The info is here. Think about the example you set here at future. Please.
Sounds like you captured whatever waxes were in there with the Silica.
Lone Stiller has just cause to caution you, its a small part he is contributing to the overall safety of everyone. We’re collectively not trying to overt or underestimate safety and its important you be careful.
my .2 cents
@44northorganicfarms for your safety maybe you should look into salt and ice and get a counter top ice maker that makes 9 cubes every 12 mins and use a bucket.
Or alternatively
Look into how to properly store liquid c02, I would store the tank on a steel weighted dolly with lockable wheels and have it strapped down like a mental patient on pcp.
Look into how to use one of these and make your own dry ice.
This is only for your safety to remove the use of a freezer. Sometimes having to spend a little more is to save what you should be always looking out for and that’s yourself and others. One wrong leak and the freezer kicking in and BOOM!!! And with extraction anything is possible, so please take care of your self and be safe.
No one’s telling you what to do, you can make your own choices, we’re just giving the best advice we can give, this is an open forum.
So for clarification, was your butane extract dewaxed beforehand? If not, is that why you are winterizing? Probably not the safest to winterize in residual butane than using ethanol.
…2 days? Wow
Aren’t you the guy trying to sell people traphouse special systems?
And you dewax for two days?
You’re asking for help with incredibly basic shit. Suffice to say, you aren’t qualified to speak on what’s safe and what’s not
You come here asking for help, but you call people nancies when they remind you about common sense safety…
Why the fuck are you here again? For help? Listen to the experts.
Yea It wasn’t dewaxed prior so was just doing a little test to see how much waxes where left . I guess none or at least none that can be congielded with a normal freezer. Fresh silica on the crc I guess grabbed it all . But was some straight trash material so still find it crazy no fats congealed
Asking for a spoon, but turning your face up in disgust when it’s offered.
Is your mix in a pressure proof sealed container in the freezer?
Otherwise yeah you’re making a freezer bomb.
And, if you’re chilling a warm extract in sufficient butane I can picture fat and wax precipitation. If you had a sintered disk in there and pushed with nitrogen it might not even be a bad method.