Blending Solvents

Hey guys,

I have 50lbs of Propane in my jacketed tank and would like to make it a 90% Propane 10% Butane mix. I have roughly 100lbs of 70B/30P mix here as well. How may lbs of 70/30 do I blend into the 100% Propane to make it a 90/10.

I know this is some high school level math involved that I just do not know.

Thank you,

I’m gonna guess buy puretane and distill it into the propane in a larger tank… Idk much about self-blending solvents tho. …

50lbs = 100% 10% of that is 5lbs. Add 45lbs propane 5 lbs butane. Lmfao jesus


I don’t have pure butane, I have 70/30, hence, it’s a little more of a complex equation than the one very easily pointed out.

Isobutane / propane / nitrogen*** 85/10/5 is the sweet spot for many. You can always just have your supplier blend for you…

Ur making that a really hard one. Fill ur tank to 60% w propane, then add the rest 70/30. , that’s as close as ur gonna get. Assuming ur only gonna fill to 80% filled on tank.

U basically sound like u wanna run mainly propane w touch butane. If u cant buy what u need then just add the 10-20% of 70/30 to ur pure propane be close enough


I had a feeling there was a simple way to do it. Thanks. That will be perfect

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Yep you’re exactly right. My local solvent company hasn’t had a 90/10 order yet so it’s a week out, but they can deliver me the propane immediately.

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It might be easier to buy big tank each both pure. But most places would blend it for u


no need to use math.
you can use a pressure gauge and a thermometer.

check it!

Edit: Doh! you’ll have to graph that data an interpolate. might as well do the math…


try here instead.

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this means you can always know what blend is in your tank…


Nitrous you say?


Womp womp womp womp womp.


Just an fyi you can make auto grade nos oderless and tasteless with a small column packed with ac… (Dont forget your low pressure prv or you gunna have a bad time)
Shhh dont tell the wooks. Im dropping all sorts of secrets the past couple of days.


XD that’s a hell of an autocorrect lol

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