$800 is a great price but im not fucking with no chemical cannabinoids EVER! i would never think d8 edibles are better than d9 edibles especially once you get in that 1000mg d9 edible range… And probably the isomers are harmful when ingested and probably the reason all these isomers are pennies on the dollar these days!
Where were/are you in Tahoe? Kirkwood is badazz! Heavenly was boring and all green/blue groomers.
I’ve got an air bnb over by the community College
We went to heavenly since me and the homie have never been
Decent conditions yesterday, today should be the good day though it dumped snow all night and is still snowing
Here’s a few videos from yesterday
News flash. I was with columbo when he told me he just filled a jar up with vacuum pump oil more than once and made posts telling people it was d8/d9 water clear tk brag on the internet.
Sorry not sorry.
In fact that was a joke I made, that I never thought he’d take seriously when he told me what he did.
He said all of his fans were morons soaking up bs from him and this would be added clout “never tell anyone he told me”
Fucked up, but, hilarious if true.
What vacuum oil is dead clear like that. Most has a matte finish and a super light yellow.
Not to mention the suspended bubbles. Hmmmmm…
What an ego. Lol
I knew homie was a rare breed when he wore a wife beater to to the glg sesh.
@AlexSiegel what’s your opinion on this subject?
JB industries black gold is completely water clear and if you shake up the jar it makes bubbles just like that, only reason i know this is because i stored the last of a gallon bottle in a mason jar once and we joked about how it looked like water clear disty. viscosity isnt the same but wouldnt matter for a pic.
The schlieren lines in the jar are indicative that it is cannabinoid oil as opposed to pump oil. Schlieren lines generally only happen when the medium is of a certain viscosity as it is piling onto itself while it is cooling.
Just sayin’
D9 definitely can be water clear. I’ve seen it in person and tested it, all d9
Also I’m pretty sure this dude is really good at d9 water
Edit here’s the test of the water clear that was d9
Then it wasn’t 99.9 isolate
Too bad it oxidizes so fast. Even this pic has a line at the top, looks like he flooded the jar with N2 but you still get that line at the top. N2 seems to just keep it from getting as dark as fast.
Decarbing THCa: this only works if your THCa diamonds are pigment free. Even if they look white in powder form or white chunky crystals, they almost always melt with some amount of yellow from trapped pigments. Distill a low pigment crystal that melts slightly yellow properly and you’ll likely have water clear that uses no media, no acid/base, or any other processing involved and still gets a purple line in O2. If that doesn’t make water clear, all that means is you have more pigment contamination in the crystal than I’d expect and you can recrystallize to remove it prior to distilling. CRC or chromatography your mother liquor to save yields.
Chromatography: if done correctly any standard crude (hydrocarbon, alcohol, CO2) can be made into water clear like the jars shown here. Usually there’s no point to going for this kind of clarity with d9 because in a cart it will look water clear far before this point. Customers don’t like paying for the yield losses just to make it look good in volumes. Usually this requires distillation after the chromatography
Here was my first time replicating the vacuum oil trick…it can be done with any synthetic sealed oil. I19 but you have to avoid uv light and take the pic just at right time. This is a 6 year old pic of this fake flex people were doing I tried to replicate.
Bingo. A white solid can have some amount of pigment without you noticing, that becomes visible when it’s liquified.
Beaker posted many pics of water clear d9.
@Beaker made water clear d9
D9 can be water clear or even close to water clear or even spectrum tinted from ph.
One of my first patents had a write-up, (that columbo and similar people gravitated to as my customers I would provide this help for them) and in the write-up part of the utillity and method patent was a process to make 99%+ purity product like with thc(water clear). This was the first publicly posted and practiced remediation process and it’s still listed as part of the original patent filing, there was two or three revisions before it was sent to gazzete.
The process I layed out was
Hot carb filtration
(Option for water wash)
First pass
Water wash
Magsil or silica 60
Water wash and neutral final wash
Second pass with original schlussel key(now known as the patented Distillation key)
Hopefully I’m not missing steps. I pioneered this process and wrote a patent up with the distillation key describing the high purity Distillation process.
This process was abused and ripped off by alot of people, I don’t care who used it - they just took credit for it when I taught alot of these guys(who were my customers) and they just ran with it. I was the first person in the industry to sell sep funnels and magsil for almost two years before anyone on market including any media suppliers. In fact summit was the fist solid media supplier taking product from pharma sources and getting it into the canna industry. It’s funny how people forget these things.
The trick to make water clear is when transfering use argon or similar gas to flood your location. And then use vacuum oven to pull argon out. Then reflood lid with argon. The issue is uv light and air change the color within hours and days. So if you distill and use sweep gasses or even make sure oxygen is removed it helps…
The second innovation I worked on but was sent to another project called Apollo sweep was a inert gas super saturator. If you heat up your pre run product in a sealed flask and insert pre heated argon for instance or nitrogen you’ll super saturate the material and the gel/decarbed material with said inert gas and that forced free radical oxygen and similar degrading molecules to bump out of the solutions/gel then immediately transfer for use. This process was referred to back then as super saturated gas scrubbing.
Anyways. Preventing it from being there is a huge step. And yes. It’s far before this forum existed methods to make ultra clear d9. You just have to do all the steps carefully and properly. Now adays I’m sure there’s a couple more steps available to making clear d9. Back then everyone laughed at my suggestions and steps required to distill product to a clarity like that. But as times change the wook academy changes it’s perspective and this has now become standard practice.
True. Your jar can have a hue to it and the cart/dram will always be clear