Biggest THCa diamond ever?

Lol 1500 an hour for a phone/video consultation you’re on crack…5000 a day for on site? Who the fuck do you think you are? If I wanted to get raped that hard I’d go to the zoo and jump into a gorilla enclosure.


You dont have to go to the zoo, they deliver


Appreciate the feedback on the prices - I may well make some changes. Definitely no need to be vulgar as no one is forcing anyone to work with me. I find it a little difficult to put a price on knowledge that can quickly make people millions of dollars if they’re dealing with enough material. I generally work with mid to large scale processors, and the knowledge I can offer during those consults far exceeds the prices on that price sheet. Going to remove it for now and possibly repost later after some edits. Hopefully that’s enough to make you weirdos stop talking about being raped by gorillas


Do people expect to get spoon :spoon: fed for a couple hundred bucks for a sop like that? Your prices are very close to others I know. Like that’s chump change for even a small scale operation, and pennies for a large scale operation to learn a procedure step by step.
I’ve yet to see anyone with a mountain like that buddy very nice work as well with the colored diamonds!
Putting in that work!!! :muscle:t3::gem:


Appreciate that man! Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Happy to knock a few bucks off my consulting prices to accommodate smaller operations and those on a tighter budget, but at the end of the day the SOPs being offered already have proven results for making people millions of dollars


I agree you should be paid well for your SOPs just thought a few of them were a little bit on the high side


Charge as much as your business model justifies.

If you’re getting paid at these rates then why change? You know enough about your skills and networks to set prices and understand demand elasticity.

If you’re getting paid then who cares :wink:

If you’re not, then maybe change. But don’t make less money for the sole purpose of impressing strangers on the internet.


No doubt man. I welcome the feedback because ultimately I would like to have a consulting package for everyone from the one man operations to the big MSOs. Some people will realize the value of these SOPs and others not so much, but no skin off my back either way


i think $5000 a day for this consult for 3 days would be an absolute bargain if you could show regenerative thca stone and the color stuff… even 5 days…

I think this is the coolest crystallization ive seen to date… A ton of you laughed at @TheWillBilly with his 250k price tag… hes laughing to the bank these days… I think some of the members are nuts… This is a fucking bargain for the few tricks hes shown here! LOL

This shit could be worth millions in the right processor hands. :man_facepalming:

edit… looked at the price list… Would you do 25K for the color stones and all the THCa sops you got??


teach me how and i can prove that even a dummy can make it.

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Thanks @Killa12345… I have a lot of respect for you and the business you run so it’s cool to see that you’re one of the ppl on here that understands the value of what I’m offering. Yes, for 25k I’m willing to pass on all of my crystallization knowledge including the colored diamond tek and the regenerative diamond growing system (and that’s just the tip of the iceberg). And for any processor that can get their hands on a decent amount of material I’ll make sure you make all that money back in the first couple batches we do together


This is dope… Need someone to make me one for my house as decoration…


Alright, I bought two new stainless frying pans tonight and I have plenty of traffic cones. Let’s do this!


I’d pay to see that shit.


I just want it for center piece for my fire mantle…led lights and glass case


If it were used as a showpiece, I wonder how long it would take to naturally decarb and then turn to CBN. Would there be a semi liquid step? Would it melt similarly to the famous pitch drop experiment? Could you put a flask under the stand and collect a liquid mixture of cbn and THC in 1000 years?


If you put it in glass and injected argon or helium it would probably not decarb

But not by the fireplace
In a real lab or something with climate control

“If case of emergency, break glass. Smoke liberally.”


In the fireplace, party at the chimney