Best vessel for LLE

Hey, just as a warning on the fermentasaurus. The bottom gasket swells, I’m pretty sure it’s the heptane. It can create a bad seal and in turn some members have lost some stuff due to leakage/spillage.

I’d recommend a different product if you can find one. Otherwise definitely have secondary containment in case everything empties out on you.


I got mine years ago… I believe you can find them on Alibaba

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I bought a HUGE seperatory funnel w ptfe seal off ebay. Was supposed to be a 3L. He sent 3gal!


Guys they make cocaine in the freaking jungle


Can you send a picture of the gasket? Surely it can just be replaced with one made of a different material right?


It was sacrificed to the bandits in blue unfortunately

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That would be nice, like a @RockSteady attachment for the panda

maybe it would be possible to take some heptane restistant epoxy and seal permenantly

@tweedledew ya bro i saw the thread u got it, and then short after recommended by another that properly saw the same. Seemed like a good solution.

@tweedledew Is it the one in upper left corner causing the issues? or is there more of that material in the dumb valve.

Right where the metal valve seals against it. The inside ring. 1/2" tall or so?

I literally use the same fermentasaurus for R&D scale

only using methanol and water though

im a bit lost in translation i think :stuck_out_tongue:

Its not the little oring that fails, its the seal that are on the inside right?

The o-ring should be easy to find in viton, but properly need to epoxy the shit out of it on keg.

It’s the seal on the inside yeah.

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Top left in that pic, if ur gonna make an attachment, id make it triclamped because that valve also sucks.
I know its a cheap investment but its definitly a big risk putting a whole batch in there. Atleast have a bucket if ur gonna try it


thanks, this had me LOL

Chinese filter funnel 50 or 100L