Best solvent to scrub

Side note
Make sure that When putting bottels sideways the caps have a tight fit even under ultra cold conditions
I have had caps that started leaking ones in the ultra freezer making a mess by the time You realise :cry:

Nothing uneducated about asking
Ask away

Didn’t mean to delete lol was asking if you every stage of your filtration at cold temps I can barely get my alcohol to flow through a 8 micron filter at room temp

Well Yes My lowest filtration is at 5 micron but indeed slow as hell
And Yes sometimes iT s neccery to bring the temp up to - 18 C to get iT gooing
But lately i have been using @beakers
Hexane/methanol 3% water in My sop and that seems to take care of the last bits When done cold (-30C)
I am still researching iT so not sure but the few times i have done iT seems Some final fats and Waxes jump out of solution

I have another filter style that is 5 micron and has way better flow rate gonna try tomorrow I will post result hopefully a video
But that’s basically my biggest concern is how long it takes idk maybe this is just full of shit but I have maybe 2 gallons of solution probably used 30- 30 filters lol I just dont know what to expect as normal

I have just started filtering with a 20u filter and a Celite cake on top of it. I am just taking my cryo ethanol mixture, at cryo temps and filtering it through a celite cake on top of a 20u filter. I’ve even tried using a 1u glass filters with this tek, and I see zero particles on the filter.

I started trying this out after I was swapping filters every 2L or so through filtration; which is totally not scalable. With 2 filters going, and using the celite cake, I could actually filter quite a bit.

this will be my test for tomorrow just ran 2 gallons of -40 alcohol mix through a 20 micron filter in under 5 minutes so hopefully tomorrow I can filter at -80c and then into the roto vap fingers crossed lol first run bare with me haha

As a first pass of filtering, that will probably work well.

If you are trying to get to distillate for vape cartridges, you will want to filter at <1u, otherwise you may see streaking.

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It has a 5 micron in it I’ve found out after further research but I just order some more 1 5 and 20 micron filters for it product from 710snob if you were curious cheaper than a hochstrom

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You need to do a room temp filtration before attempting precipitate more fats.

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