Best preventative/treatment for botrytis (outdoor)

Looking for something to stop the annual botrytis decimation

I am using safer brand bt spray for catepillars and regalia, which seems to stop the mold itself on indoor plants, so I hope outdoor will be similar.


Adequate calcium supplementation


I’ve used this before with good success. Works best if started when plants are in veg, but some people use it while in flower with no (reported) ill effect to the end user. Not, by any means, saying this is safe to use in flower and pass on to the end user. Please do your own research if you (anyone reading this) plan on spraying anything on your plants while they are flowering.

Technically for those in (at least Oregon) rec grows, this is an off label product (does not list cannabis for intended use), so be sure it will work within your regulatory body before going all in.


I whole heartedly agree.

Also an intentional oversupply of N and P during stretch can get some extra stretch to get things further apart can do wonders on strains that you know have a problem. .


what about gibberilic?

Keep ahead of any insect activity, especially caterpillars. The damage and waste left behind are prime points of infection for mold issues.

Prune any dead, damaged, or diseased areas before they have a chance to rot. Keep the ground clean of leaves and trimmings, and try to keep a fairly clean mulch layer.

Plants that get morning sun will dry sooner in the day. Don’t water at night, except shortly before sunrise.

Pay attention to surrounding plants and areas. Keep weeds and lawns cut short around your plants to allow airflow and cut down on plants close by that can be a source of mold.

High tunnels can be made inexpensively to help keep plants dry. If constant humidity, especially in late flowering is an issue, consider strains with less dense buds and wide node spacing.


Kinda looking for something to spray not growing tips.

But thanks for the advice.

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Double Nickel

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Well that’s kind of the problem here. “Topical” fungicides that are legal to use on cannabis aren’t very effective deep inside a bud where this problem is.

Your only real options with “systemic” activity are agrifos and/or nutritional.

Giberrelins can be useful, but I wouldn’t recommend them. They are one of the chemicals used to create male flowers on a female plant. There is a fine line between causing stretch and inducing males that most would rather not play chicken with.


Proper calcium and the addition of silica have prevented any botrytis I have had outdoors.


I failed to mention silica, because I run agsil on everything.




Calcium silicate works good too

Calcium silicate is Portland cement? I thought the solubility with it was very low.

All of my strains dont get it but one.

This one in particular that gets it horrible

No offense to the master growers here but more cal and silica won’t fix this particular issue as it only presents in one strain.

If all of my plants were falling to it a I would definitely listen to the “needs More cal-mag” cowbell that follows every grow related question on the Internet.

Thank you to whomever suggested compliant sprays like organicide and double nickel. These are probably the route that will be most effective


Or big ass fans.
I have a few strains that can be in a snow feild of PM and they won’t get it.


Cal-mag is a band aid for hydro store growers. A properly formulated fertilizer with proper calcium numbers is what I was talking about.

Here is a quick example of what I have been running with. You can get 10% more Ca when using Cal Prime instead of ag grade Cal Nit.


And I’m saying if that was the issue it would present itself in more than 1 in 50 strains correct?

If it was a nutritional issue like many on this thread suggested why are the other strains impervious?

Oops I meant potassium silicate