best place to order CLS

Somewhere in the CRC thread I ran the R&D on the loss associated with the powders. I forget the exact number but I want to say it was 15g heavier. So in a 4x48 tube using 1kg combined the powders weighed 15g’s more. I assumed that some % had to be the colors and some lipids so THC loss is minimal. I run hot and slow throttling the solvent thru the powders giving them time to do what they do.


It happens to the best of us my G. Many times when we are between a rock and a hard spot we dont realize that the sword is just being sharpened.

Remind you of anything? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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That’s some beautiful goop.

i honestly am not sure, ive always worked off the weight of the biomass. I see that this isnt as accurate of a way, but i dont have a way to weigh the material when its suspended in butane.

what a nightmare

Must have been a misunderstanding. I thought you were taking already blasted oil and dissolving in tane to send through the crc

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I’m batch crc’ing. After a day of running into the same collection pot.


The further I dig into how to make the process efficient the more I see flaws in every turn key system.


That’s when you know people don’t know what the fuck they’re doing…

You can’t fix stupid. :slight_smile:

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If you’re making big batches of say crude , then crc all of it. You will definitely loose oil in the powders if you dont use enough solvent.

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That’s cause he knows better than to sell you a 12” collection vessel.

Edit: read the rest of the thread

Y’all are funny as heck

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