Sure thing, @44northorganicfarms !
By the way, you should NEVER chill DRIED biomass… ONLY the SOLVENT, if you want to run cold.
However, with fresh frozen biomass, you DO need to keep it cold, including inside the CLS column.
Regardless, you should avoid exposing cold biomass to normal atmosphere insofar as it is possible. Humidity condensing on the cold biomass surfaces (dried or fresh) is ALWAYS problematic for ANY solvent-based extraction, for SEVERAL reasons!
The most tried and true butane temperature range for dry OR fresh-frozen biomass is about -20 to -60°C.
This also happens to be the temperature range for ALCOHOL solvents; for Winterization OR extraction!
Dry biomass columns can be insulated with removable wrap to achieve cold extraction and still allow for nominal warming during solvent recovery… warming TOO much during recovery can cause over-extraction of the biomass into your product, unless you CLOSE off the column DRAIN and recover vapor ONLY from the TOP of the column… although this can cause very dirty socks, column walls, and column drain filters, so be sure to CLEAN them all WELL before another run!
Always DRY clean^ butane vapor by running it through 3-4Å mol-sieve beads, during butane vapor recovery.
^Coalesce all resin mist prior to mol-sieve: Run vapor from collection pot into a (preferably curved) expansion column filled with clean stainless scrubbies or similar, then narrow the vapor path before it enters the mol-sieve drier chamber. See my Instagram @photon_noir for a combination trap/drier design.
Use a room temperature, non-odorized, gas delivery propane cylinder to pressurize your system INSTEAD of N2 gas. This may be difficult to obtain, but it’s WORTH IT. Using the compressible propane makes recovery FAR easier, faster and SAFER… as well, it improves your extraction quality!