I have been having some requests for tip recently. I have used before but I have never found ones that dont leak like hell. Does anyone have some suggestions? May be looking to put a logo on them, depending on price.
Tip? You mean carts?
Sounds like carts. All tips (mouthpieces) clog for me in my experience. Look up some of the cart discussions here. These guys go very in depth about their likes and dislikes about several different brands and companies products.
Clogging mouthpieces are from filling too hot or the coils allowing oil to get through. Which could be from thinned oil or just bad parts in the cart.
If you do come across leaky mouthpieces you could flip upside down as soon as you fill and store them that way. Or if your end user store them upside down the same.
add something like cbd crude or tasteless terps to thin just hair and they stop spitting . if that doesnt work it’s the carts
I’ve stuck w all ceramic every since I started em.they never clog on me anymore just some covid quality control issues lately but we will get through that
I’ve seen some carts that wouldn’t work thick or thin oil
Sometimes it’s also the person filling, especially with press in carts. They cannot be over filled otherwise the pressing pushes the oil through the intakes into the post, I’ve also experienced this with screw ons as well just not to the same extent.
Yes this is and waiting too long to cap after filling are the big issues on the production side.
Users can get a similar effect from overheating the cart too. People who use ridic overpowered box mods will overheat and the oil gets so watery it creates a path and finds its way up to the mouthpiece. This either will either a) end up spatting out into a gnarly tasting chapstick and make a mess or b) coagulate and clog the cart every time you go to use it. Once you get some in there there and create that flow there’s pretty much no going back with getting surgical but that’s not worth the effort.
Thanks for the repllies everyone. I am/was referring to carts. Ill be doing some reading tonight . Thanks again.
Yeah this makes sense. In nicotine vapes once the lid is off your tank the coil will flood fairly quickly as it’s only the vacuum from having the top sealed that keeps the juice from flowing freely through the coil and into the airflow path.
Again I thank everyone for their comments. I really feel as if the problem I was having was the quality of the carts. It seems the people where I live are more concerned with the packaging than the actual product itself which makes ZERO sense. I will continue to do my research until I find something fitting. My last order of 100 carts 50% left some sort of residue in the bottom cap, not a lot just enough to discolor.
This is why I stopped selling empties. Order 20k of a brand one week & then the next week they don’t want them. I still have KP’s from 2yrs ago!
Not sure if its just my state “Michigan” or its everywhere, but the market seems to be hit or miss with carts. I have been researching carts now for just over 3 weeks and I have to say there’s a lot of crap out there! Being a small but growing extractor it has to be in my portfolio but that being said I want quality, again we are small so I dont want to find something we like and see a min order of 1000 as that would take us a minute to go through. Then god forbid you want to add a little logo and you are not buying 2000 as they charge you more than the cart itself. Has anyone ever used Itsuwa Amigo Liberty Carts?
I really want to do my diligence on this and find us the best cart for us at the best price. I have some samples being sent to me from other purveyors so I will keep everyone informed on our test results.
I’d recommend starting with just logo on your packaging since your quantity is low but if you do find a good deal and plan to stick with your design what’s wrong with buying a yrs supply?
So far the best cart for the money I think is the ceramic screw on ccells or a good knock off. As long as your under 3% failure you’ll be in the money.
I think you are 100% right… I have got it down to a label on the tube I think will be my best bet. When we get them together Ill show some pics.
Def do!.. If your doing small quantity I’d suggest vista print as an option. Kind of expensive but they are fast and good quality.
Much appricated. Thanks for the advice.
…and this sir is why precision counts. It’s ok not to know the jargon, but it’s ludicrous to get your panties in a wad when you’re given the correct terminology.
had you known to search for “carts” rather than “tips” you would have found a wealth of information…
Check out www.getispire.com
@Chef127 if you’re still searching, @Liam84 with Ispire has some nice hardware you can find in this topic & he is a top-notch rep.
Kick rocks!
Keep on changing that name. Word is your at number 11.