Best 510 Thread Battery

for clarity, the model I have is an expedition series. 240mah battery.

No shill, I could care less what people buy, I’m just sharing personal experiences. Why would I assume a company would artificially inflate their direct to consumer price? If I’m buying a new iPhone 12, I don’t buy from a random discount cellphone store because Apple inflates their prices, simply to drive business elsewhere.

That’s the one I have. Even with a cart in it, it rattles. You can see the silver covered plastic on several spots. I can record a video if you want.

I have nothing against them. Sell them to everyone, I’m just sharing my preferences

I can agree with those statements. It’s a cheap battery in the sense of low price - but you get a lot for what you pay for. You can buy several yocans for the price of a vessel and then you’ll have a fresh battery for when the old one starts to go bad.


I don’t recommend the pen style, I prefer the compass. My first vessel was a pen and it was on sale for $60. I agree the magnetic charger sucks and the battery is only like 240mh. I bought the charging base when I got my pen, so I would just set it on charging base when I got home. It had enough life to last the day, but the pens weren’t my fav.

When they released the compass I grabbed one and really liked it. I smoke at work, the battery life is enough to last me almost a week. I wish they made a charger base for the compass.

The compass is also cheaper then their pen style, it’s $60 regular price.

As for cleaning (I know you didn’t mention it, I just don’t want to make another reply) it’s easy access IMO. Cotton swab and iso. Mines dirty af now, haven’t cleaned it in probably a month. It’s not as deep as the uni pro

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I see what you’re saying. When I got my uni pro, it was relatively close to when they released them. When I was shopping online most stores had the regular uni for $20-30, then some had the Uni pro for the same price. I just didn’t trust the weird online vape shops. Same reason I wouldn’t buy one on eBay, too many knockoffs out there

If Nike released some cool new shoes, I wouldn’t think I could buy them half price on eBay or They were just released, why would Nike cannibalize their own sales like that? It just didn’t seem to make sense. I didn’t know yocan would operate like that

Sorry I thought you were saying the top part was silver plastic and I know the original Uni was silver plastic on top. BTW yours looks like it was ran over by a car. I got the all black because I did not like the silver plastic parts. Looks like the black is molded in black not painted.


Completely understand where you’re coming from. Personally, if I paid more than $30 for a Uni Pro, I’d think it was cheaply made. I’d also add I’m not usually inclined to spend above $40 on something without replaceable batteries. However, for ease of use along with features, $20-30 is a no-brainer for the product.

My comparison to Nike might not be entirely apt with how established they are as a brand, this pricing practice is par for the course with vape gear. Take any mod or atomizer made by a major company & it will cost more getting it straight from the manufacturer. Case in point:

And that’s not even factoring in huge resellers overseas where you can probably get the product cheaper at the cost of shipping delays.

Regardless- @awkwardballer, are you looking for a battery just for you or are you trying to get an idea about manufacturers for a larger order? That would dictate my recommendation drastically.

I agree its not worth $50. I think $30 is the most I would pay. I paid $20 shipped. I also would not pay $60 for that compass either though.
I think that Yocan sets the MSRP at $50 with no MAP(min adv pricing). Companies like Apple just set a MAP which is also the MSRP and you better not get caught selling below that price for a current model if your an authorized dealer.


That black one is pretty sick. Looks a hell of a lot cleaner then mine.

I’m rough on all my shit. I work for a wholesale plant nursery, 15 acres, I average 8-10 miles a day and my battery rides around in my safety vest pocket with my keys. I used the uni for maybe 2 months. My og compass has had almost 4 months in that pocket and it looks pretty good still

Actually…Apple does artificially inflate their sales prices. The cell phone carriers (ie the resellers) subsidize the price to their subscribers

If @qma ever tries my battery I’d love for him to review it. For $30 you’re getting a battery that last multiple full grams and is programmed to hit most carts perfectly. Most of these companies are resellers and the Chinese company that makes them doesn’t even understand cannabis vapes.


Fuck… that’s some pushing fire power… 3 yrs… I’m gonna order 2 for myself tonight!

You talking about the 510 battery you have out currently/on dimemerch?

Yes same one.

Imma buy one to try out.

You say it’s programmed? Do you have to click the button to adjust voltage?

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how does your 650mah battery last multiple gram carts? I’ve never had a 650mah battery last that long. I have 900mah batteries that don’t last multiple full gram carts.

Nice. I’ll grab a couple off there this coming week & send one off to my mom. :call_me_hand:


Lmao, I was gonna try one out and if it was good I was going to send one to my ma as well.


She was blown away by the tech on an iStick Mini back in the day. I can’t get her a Uni Pro :joy:

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