Before you buy N. Boler

China can have harley.
Harleys are whack


Itā€™s an old guys bike, young bucks ride crotch rockets/choppers.

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I hope heā€™s got a mechanical engineer with a PE stamp on staff to code his hand welded vessels because otherwise the pressure ratings that get thrown around out there donā€™t mean shit.

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His website states that the products are ā€œcertifiableā€ but are not certified.

Iā€™ll eat my words, it does say on the website that he has P.E. reports on file (at least for the extraction system I quickly looked at).

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@bg305 am I minority or am I old meow. Iā€™ve only rode harleys and Iā€™m 27

Black hole engineering

27 and ride a Harley? Tell me itā€™s not a bagger. :pray:t2:


BOOFgate live and in effect :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Whatā€™s good with Singapore :singapore:? Thailand?

Itā€™s a bagger 07 street glide I actually started riding at 24

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Do you have any photo evidence of that, it would be quite a smoking gun if you did.

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Itā€™s the entry level bike to the cruiser. They are nice bikes and they trick them out nice. I just never really liked the whole bagger scene. We are blessed to have one of the premier chopper builders(Eddie Trotta) up the road so I went that route. Had a drop seat when I was 25 for a few years.


I think itā€™s pretty common knowledge and I donā€™t think he denies it.

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So he doesnā€™t actually manufacture sintered disks at all? Just imports and welds? $800 is an American made markup I would pay for goods produced here, but thatā€™s a hell of a markup for a welding jobā€¦

I donā€™t know where the sintered disc or the plates come from. But his spools are from glacier tank.

Let me find a picture of one of his filter plates a client sent me with the logo.


Word, Iā€™d believe that, I always had a hunch most spools were from China anyway. $800 just seems crazy if theyā€™re not actually fabricating the disks, I know itā€™s a lot either way but damn

I donā€™t think anyone is making the disc. I think all them buying these. Even these American extractor companies have budget machine shops.

Iā€™ve been to a few aerospace companies that moonlight as mountain bike part manufacturers. Some of their equipment is insane.


The quality one gets from China is typically a lower level product they just typically have lower level of standards versus most american companies. Dont get booty hurt

@Boshankers what I was trying to get at is the country of origin doesnā€™t matter if you have the right resources and communicate with the right people you can get the same quality as most American made stuff some times even better. For example @Killa12345 deals with the Chinese and no one ever complains or says anything bad about his products and services he offers. Only time you see hate for @Killa12345 is when another company is hating on his services and products to make themselves look better. Letā€™s say someone is performing extractions in Canada maybe they may think American made extraction equipment can be faulty since Americans can be known to be lazy cut corners and pay off legal systems when there is some kind of hazard. If some one is good with fabricating and working with stainless steel their country of origin should not matter if they provide the quality you are looking for