Beaker & Wrench F***ery

@anon42519203 mentioned to me that she was no longer affiliated with the company.

Gimmie a couple days


Not surprised they didnā€™t say 45min was the time but this did give me a good idea for a new product. :thinking:

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My understanding as well

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No rush, I jest, I appreciate seeing a thread like this.

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some people can sleep like babies despite being called con artists. I guess @Lilibel had her breaking point.


She hasnā€™t been here in a year, since when they tried to blame @Siosis for a multiple $100k wfe they shipped in a $50 crate, that brokeā€¦


That was the biggest shipping gaff I can ever recall ever seeing.


Iā€™ve never gotten their gear pumps not to leak

Even a brand new wiper straight out of the box those gear pumps leak

So sad


So why donā€™t we start listing companies that robbed, lied or fucked over people in the industry?

Seems kind of backwards these companies are successful from screwing hard working people overā€¦

I wish i was never fucked. Seems like a good thread to start calling all these companies that popped up out of nowhere in the last few yearsā€¦

Where is that thread again lol? That was quite the time.

B & W made him delete it


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Her IG still references b&w

Shes part owner but doesnā€™t work there anymore I believe

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So in my trade, we have a bookā€¦ the machineryā€™s handbook. It is a bible to the tradesman in my trade. It is all encompassing.

What if there was a cannabis extraction handbook. It would have to cover many different disciplines and areas of expertise. The amount of relevant information to extraction could easily fill 2000 pages.


As Iā€™ve been writing today, Iā€™m thinking the same thing. We need an encyclopedia with volumes.

Thermo itself is gonna take 50 pages for just a quick and dirty version


Funny how we canā€™t delete the tiniest post these days. But a big thread like that that is very relevant to consumers gets deleted.


Exactly. Much of the technical data is around, and has been put together.

For example, I have sanitary tri clamp data on my phone because I make them on the sly at work and only have 3" memorized.

So much infoinformationā€¦so many volumes. It would be glorious.

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Pay some lawyers enough money to harass the help, to the point of forcing them, and I bet you could have it done, too. :man_shrugging:


Iā€™d buy that book