Back to basics: If you extract hemp at 0.3% THC content, will the extract have 0.3% content, or more due to concentration? If more, is that extracted product federally legal?

Any product with more than 0.3% thc is considered ilegal
Flower , concentrate or whatever
A processor is allowed a higher % on the premises but not off

Do you have any literature regarding processors and compliance for hemp extracts?

Again, the question is really about the mg of THC. You can get high as fuck from 90mg…

It s in the hemp bill
Yep friend of mine produces 100 gr chocolate bars with 0.3 thc gets you high if you eat the whole bar :wink:


.3% thc can definitely get you high :grin::grin:

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Don’t tell anybody


Nobody reads this stuff :joy:


Easiest solution is a continues flow process: Extraction → Recovery → Decarb → Remediation. How to dispose of the THC fractions on the other-hand… yup.

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