Baby's first CRC

Hey friends,

I’m doing some color remediation in pentane. I’ve read the CRC thread and have a good baseline knowledge. Wondering if anyone had any quick off the shelf equipment solutions that would be relatively budget friendly (I’ve got a welder who owes me a favor or two). I was thinking a cheap 3" SS tube with some weld on spool fittings.

Run size would be about 500g to 1kg of resin. In about 3-5x that volume of pentane.

Also had a few quick questions

  1. I was going to use positive pressure (shouldn’t vacuum pentane? Low BP). Is nitrogen necessary? Or will I be just fine with an off the shelf air compressor?

  2. is there any consensus on if I need to pack the powders or not? (Was going to make a puck of celite at the bottom to start) CRC thread seems to have both options working

  3. how thick of powder stack to use on let’s say a 3" column? I’m not going for significant color fixing. Just a light polish.

  4. Dessicant - I was going to use magnesium chloride (or something similar) to pull trace water. Should I use it before the filter stack? After? Doesn’t matter?

Thanks in advance.


The move would to have a spring loaded plunger compressing the powders into place…

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Where do I get one of the spring loaded plungers you speak of?

Try a kilo of powders per kilo of resin


We both have the same question…

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Lol fair enough. I wonder what else I could use to pack the column (if necessary?) Maybe could vacuum the whole thing down wet to pack it. Then run it pressurized after.

Since you’re doing pentane I’d definitely say wet pack it, I’m butane so I use a press to pack before running through it

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Definitely wet pack


Any thoughts on nitrogen vs compressed atmosphere? Can’t see oxidation playing too big of an issue here.

Have you ever seen how nasty the fluid is when you drain a compressor? I would want something cleaner if it had any chance of contacting material. You can get inline filters to solve that or just use some nitrogen.


Nitrogen is pretty frickin cheap and you know it doesn’t have the nasty air compressors have


Good call. I’ll check into both options. I’m sure compressor is a better long term solution. That or get my own nitrogen generator, but I also don’t have $2k either :stuck_out_tongue:

Praxair has k size tanks for 90 and some change plus 60cents a day rental or I think it was 100 for the year


Anyone have any ideas on the dessicants? I’d assume before the column makes the most sense?

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Does a vacuumed down wet pack hold up to pressure? Or is channelling likely?

I’m assuming 50-100psi is probably a good range?

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Don’t boil the solvent you use to we pack, just lightly pull through making sure it never runs dry

I destroyed my $200 8" scintered disk using positive pressure… warped and popped the filter from the ring, BVV sent me a free replacement but I am so wary of posi pressure… NEVER go higher than 20PSI cause any more and youll blow that thing out - til I get a better regulator I’m gonna stick with vac filtering


I want to say people were mentioning similar results with pressure over 20psi in the crc thread.

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If in pentane backpressure works best. Compressed atmosphere works fine as long as you clean out the incoming air with carbon and a drying agent followed by a ≤2 um screen


Over the last 3 month I heard over 10x sinister discs cracking or warping.