August Member of the Month is @Medicine.grower

Let’s fix that right away


Its probably a good idea to just end the competition and give him this months award right now! lol

I’ll 100th the nomination for @Photon_noir


I mean we have 2 nominees this month and we just saw the vote landslide on the comments lol only took about 2 and a half years for the interest to go, not bad.

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This is the first month since I have joined this form that I 100% agree!
Well, not the first but you know what I’m saying


I should do more to promote this. Probably wouldn’t hurt if I actually got around to it on the 1st and 15th. I haven’t been as active as I should, but I will double down and try harder to do my small part to give back to this place! Thank you for everyone who contributes to these MoM threads, as you really do help share the load of keeping this a trending topic. :slight_smile:


While I truly appreciate you all for thinking of me, I have previously turned down my nominations and awards for things like this, not because I feel myself or your choices as unworthy at all! I’d just like to see less-known and more active folks receive recognition for their contributions! After all, this is a regularly distributed award to give EVERYONE a chance to be praised for their generosity and thoughtfulness, here! I cannot dismiss or ignore your feelings on the matter, of course, but it could be said that nominating me for this is akin to saying that nobody else has stood out to you this month… and I’m sure that is not true if you are an avid reader! :face_with_monocle:

I am humbled by your praise, and you have my gratitude for your trust in me… but I can only accept your nomination if there is truly nobody else you have learned from this month. Thank you all for your understanding and kindness. Truly! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’d say it’s clear this group of scoundrels would like for your work to be recognized & I can think of little better reason to bring back the @Beaker award as @Capttripppp mentioned. With so many of us heading to Vegas for Biz Con, it might not be a bad idea to consider adding that to the GLG night.


Bumpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Bumpty Dumpty had a great call,
Come my thread and participate he said,
To celebrate each other, one and all.



Have you seen this Solid-State pH Effects


Congratulations @Medicine.grower, you are the August Member of the Month! Thank you for all the valuable knowledge you have shared with us, and thank you for bringing a positive and productive attitude in your interactions!

After days of consideration, I have decided to honor @Photon_noir’s request to bow out of the running and name Medicine.grower as the August Member of the Month.


You are a rare bird. Being humble is a quality I wished more people possessed.


Congratulations @Medicine.grower. I always enjoy your posts and pics. Good stuff.


Well deserved to a great member of the community! Congrats @Medicine.grower :heart::heart:


Congrats @Medicine.grower
Well deserved and love our grow talks. You are crushing it :muscle::muscle:


I didn’t request for YOU or anyone else to bow out, @BigM! Or am I misunderstanding what happened? Was it only me and Medicine.grower in the running this month… or are you the administrator of this award, BigM?

Congratulations, @Medicine.grower! Thank you for your excellent contributions!
I’m happy to know are appreciated by the members of this forum. Thank you all for recognizing @Medicine.grower this month! :pray:


Congratulations, @Medicine.grower!! Very well deserved and thank you for all your contributions :+1: :call_me_hand:

Yes, you and @Medicine.grower were this month’s nominees. When I saw this, I was confused at first, too, lol. I was like, “darn; I must have missed the poll.” But then I read you graciously declined and realized it automatically went to @Medicine.grower.


@Medicine.grower has leveled up my cloning and early veg game for sure

Definitely well deserved, thanks for all the info


Thanks everyone, I don’t feel this was a fair win since I was the only one in running this month.
But I’m very grateful to have found future and meet so many great people, there’s no way I would have made it far as I have in my journey if I wouldn’t of signed up and met all of you guys.


Nah, you deserved it 100%!


The fact that you were the only one nominated is MAJOR props! I didn’t just let you win, if that’s what you are thinking… You EARNED it!