Ascent dont give a shit!

Okay so i ordered 400 batteries with Ascent, i have ordered with him 4-5 times by now.

This time what a shit show with Ascent as a broken record player, keep saying the same shit over and over blaming his paying customer, not only that, patient customer.

  • My package was sent as it should after production,

*. my package arrives to my country (EU)

*. UPS call me to ask if its private or business package so can declare it properly as (private) since i dont have company. - im not there to pick up
. I call them myself the same day having a nice long talk with english speaking lady she said she made a case on the package saying it needs to be declared as a package wich i
thought went very well, nice conversation.

*. i see after some days nothing happens on tracking and the package is just moving around.

*. I call them 2nd time to ask when my package will be here, they say it will be there soon. 3-4days in properly from arriving to denmark.
*then i see after i spoke to UPS it says i have changed delivery date, wich i havnt.
*i call them again asking when it will be here and is told it will be there soon. - after the weekend i see tracking is still acting strange, i start to call every day now, i call around 9 seperate days or so, many times i call 2 times because im not satified with answer giving by UPS, i ask for a supervisor every time, but UPS dont refer to their supervisers and often call 10 times before i talk to a native speaking to clear any mishap by miscommunication even though my english is fine. so days go on with me calling getting promised it will be there soon, the last day i call before everything went to SHIT, im again promised it will be there, but he also says apperently they still havnt documented me as a private person, and there for still needs that information in order to be declared. - well i wonder why all the other UPS workers didnt say that when i explained the whole story every single time from start to finish in details.

Anyway this last guy was very nice also, we had a talk and he said he got it in order and now finally im documented as a private and he promise agaain, it will be there tomorrow.


Now the shitshow really begin


i write to ascent what i have been through with UPS, and they have ship it back without my permission and this is UPS fault. - and he needs to create a case on this package ASAP since i couldnt, UPS said, sorry your not our customer they are. they need to create a case.

ASCENT CHOOSE TO DO NOTHING!! - other than being a broken record player repeating himself with straight up lies, as to why my package didnt arrive to me.

i did everything i could to have him make a case, call his forwarder and take care of this.

He starts to say " sorry because you have no VAT you didnt receive your package, and if we ship it again the same will happen. acting really stupid saying the same damn thing, i keep repeating VAT has nothing to do with it, it was UPS fault. i tell him in details private can recieve packages just as business can, private just need to pay more tax! other than that there is no f diffrence.

a week went by, ascent had done nothing. ( UPS already aknowlegded it was their fault and i told ascent again and again, this is their fault, and he needs to act upon it. - he dont do shit other than shit like " ohh but you dont have VAT so i dont know what to do, if you have freind with VAT blabla we can 100% gureantee you recieve blabla.

he even tries to have me pay for reshipping 3x the cost due to UPS shipping it back!!!

I call UPS again , and actually have luck on creating a case on ascent behalf. saying they would contact ascent. i write ascent immediatly and say that they will contact him, but he should contact them asap giving him the CASE-Number:

He still continues with that VAT shit, i keep repeating myself writing long ass messages explaining i dont need a VAT, i have ordered 100’s og packages from china EVERY time they call to ask if im private or company totally normal i useally recieve it very NEXT DAY after this ask me this, he continues to say ohh maybe you were just lucky you recieved you packages, hmm ya i was lucky too when i ordered from you last time, last time , n last time again. whaat a freakin nightmare, broken record players to the dumb!!!

after about 25-27 days from when the package first got to my country, listening to bs. i say ill take this shit to future.

uhh, uhh, then i threatened him , 5 sec after payment was refunded with maybe 45$ lost due to changing currency or wtf.

He then say wont i feel bad taking this to future… blabla… i find his exact words

"quote: It’s up to you, I only know we lost a lot of shipping fee, and you don’t wanna to bear any lost, if you still want to say our falt, don’t you feel ashamed?

Who dares to continue business with you? it’s radicuous." italics

ascent dont give a flyin f what happens when a rush order on 400 batteries doesnt show for 27 days and what is lost on this end, calling numerous times, doing everything a customer could possible due other than breakin in UPS warehouse stealing it myself.

He still dont get UPS aknowlged their mistake, and would refund him everything wich i told him many times… but still going on with the VAT, and if they ship again same will happen.

I say i want a written response from UPS they dont ship to private customers, or he should ship my package, lol i cover all fucking bases, hes short shitty answers spike long answers trying to sort this, but long ass shit just bunch up in a puzzle for ascent, leading him to just remember the broken shit on his record , VAT Blablabla lies lies lies, lying all day long… leaving his “customers” freakin hairless

What country are you in? Did you get a refund if it was returned to sender?

Dang thats wild. So he’s not gonna refund or reship?

EDIT: Should have read the last post

How long after the package was returned to sender did he refund?

Why would you want to work with him again if you got a refund? Just work with another supplier

he refunded me full amount 5 seconds after i mentioned taking this to future, even after him acting out i tried to solve the situtation with a china quote, n lets deal with this and get me my batteries, but hed already refunded me due to my crazy threat, i never really broke any bounderies and i dare him to screenshot me being rude or being a crazy fuck, cause he cant, only hes record playing will show in screenshots. only 45$ was lost in due to change in currency idno.

i really need a spoon for a battery supplier asap that is same or better quality. 4.3$ piece with ispire just to steep for me.

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only time i maybe cross any was mentioned you QMA that i hope folks like you read this shit, that was my final message… not my to mention any. but here you are the first guy reading

Maybe he was waiting for the package to come back? I’ve had instances where canada returned me an empty box after customs holds

I have some nightmares to tell you about with heatpads. I had a supplier I worked with for years stall with my money for 6 months, and then shorted me >10k worth of product. I never got it all back. I had to fight with alibaba and american express. it was so wild.

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I’m lurking for a thread to reach critical mass as a part of an applied memetics campaign. A member on this forum threatened me with legal action, so I am chilling, watching and about to stir the pot with my main

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How much was william offering you, and for how much MaH?

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i wanted him to reship the package asap, but then he started that missing VAT show, and ending up refunding due to im such radicuous

he flagged around with a aproxx 503$ invoice from the reshipping to china, and shipping again here or what it was, confusing shit… original shiping was 145$ or so.

but its ridicoulous when UPS just needed to refund him, he could have his money back in 10-14 days and reship my package immediatly .

instead he sit there and whine about that invoice on 503$ and he lose alot of money blabla…

where t f is the lost money when UPS acknowlegde its their fault and he needs to take action making that case.

2.2$ piece 320mah

only took him 5 secounds to boycut me as a customer and loose the whole amount.
not giving 2 shits about me.

now i need to call UPS and say he refunded me and are no longer eligible for a refund. so that way he actually loose money…

I’ve had customers threaten to come to future, and I would tell them to get fucked (after dealing with a certain glg member in oklahoma). I had a canadian customer ask me to reship a siezed package, after I offered a refund. I told him if I reshipped it was on him. Customs issues happened, I offered to RTS, and refund. He declined. The package continued to customs and was siezed. Fedex was kind enough to return me an empty box. I did not refund as promised.

Maybe ask william for that same deal?

I promise you the chinese don’t leave money on the table. he probably got refunded.

Probably was sending via self clearing air freight. It is extreemely expensive, thanks to covid.


I can’t beat that price…

Lol I wonder why a supplier would boycott their customer

$500 client vs $50,000 client.


Tbh he’s sent a package to the complete wrong address 2x w me already… First time just so happens goes 3 towns over the house knew the last name and road was friend of his…he brought it to them it was my uncle and he was like yeah I know where it goes

The next time he makes a invoice w the wrong address I point it out he fixes the invoice then sends it to the wrong place anyways! Didn’t get that one back but he did resend it

Also the confusion w ups sounds like ups fault along w his fault for not declaring what the package is clear enough… probably bc if he did it would be siezwd

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well with you, they properly should f off if they was butthurt,

cart farm user here aswell and know that shit wouldnt fly cause you dont shit around with customer service either. but some are without any self insight n they always want to get heard. this was a last “this is ridicoulous by now” just lie after lie, not even answering what i say, but keep saying dumb shit. This is Roger i was talking to. if thats william aswell.

Customs shit happens i agree, but this UPS acknowlged and all ascent had to do was ship it back and have UPS refund the total amount for the reshipping + shipping again to me.
cause that what they would have done, theyre in breach of contract by shipping it back.

Everything was documented with UPS.

the case i made with UPS on ascent behalf i made sure he wrote a complete walkthrough of my troubles, and how many times i called, everything. said yes to being recorded every time.

well @moveweight we all gotta start out with the small weigths, the big ones are just around the corner. a seller to stupid to see that shouldnt eat.

business with ascent would still total to 10.000$ a year as things are now still climbing… small fish i know that… but lol…

This is when an American middle man could have eliminated some of this frustration for a percent but everyone like going to the plug.


i agree, not all company have as good shipping rates as you do Killa :rofl: dno how you do it lol

basicly what kills it for me with these things from US. i wholehearted always try to support future sellers DM me with what you can offer, i broke both my 14ga needle aswell so need to buy new ones… you should sell those in bundles :grimacing:

William specializes in the usa I believe. He is very sharp on logistics concerns. Every time I use another factory I am reminded of this. gCell, wolks, pretty much everyone other than @Ascent and @QBD420 has failed me spectacularly.

Depends on the spot. There is a few countries in Europe that I call the viking union, and it is nearly impossible to ship them anything vape goods.
It is:


I refuse to take customs risks to ship to any of those spots and inform my potential farmers of that fact

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